ART APPRE:3rd lesson

Cards (11)

  • Motivated art or Directly Functional Art refers to the intentional objectives of the artist in creating a piece of art
  • It serves an obvious purpose, which can bring about changes at the personal or societal level
  • Functions of Motivated Art:
    • Communication: art is a form of communication used to convey emotions, moods, and feelings
    • Entertainment: art seeks to bring about a particular emotion or mood for relaxation or entertainment purposes
    • Avant-Garde: expresses an unorthodox way of advocating social or political revolution
    • Psychological Healing Tool: art therapy is used for therapeutic recovery
    • Social Inquiry: graffiti or street art for public view
    • Propaganda or Commercialism: art used to influence popular conceptions or sell products
  • Non-Motivated art or Indirectly Functional Art do not serve utilitarian purposes but incorporate functional objectives
  • Ancient Chinese vases are an example of non-motivated art appreciated for historic or aesthetic value
  • Other Functions of Art:
    • Personal Function: artists create art for personal expression, economic reasons, spiritual concern, and social and intellectual inquiry
    • Social Function: influences collective behavior, enriches material and non-material culture
    • Physical Function: art can serve a physical purpose, like a Caryatid sculpture used as a column or pillar
  • Art as Mimesis:
    • Mimesis is the basic theoretical principle in the creation of art, reflecting and reinterpreting the world around it
    • Visual arts portray real-life images through imitation or representation
  • Plato's View on Mimesis:
    • Art gives the likeness of a thing but is always less than real
    • Art does not inspire virtue or teach morality as it portrays imaginary events
  • Aristotle's View on Art as Representation:
    • Art does not necessarily reflect reality like a mirror
    • Teaching ethics is not a function of art or poetry
  • Art for Art's Sake:
    • Beauty can be universal and independent of specific interests
    • Judgment of art is based on the perception of beauty
  • Art as an Escape:
    • Some use art as a coping mechanism to escape from reality