
Cards (41)

  • Nature of Inquiry and Research:
    • Inquiry is the process of looking for information by asking questions about something you are curious about
    • Research is the process of discovering truths by investigating a chosen topic scientifically
  • Inquiry:
    • Motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events
    • Takes place by investigating or asking questions about something you are inquisitive about
  • Nature of Inquiry:
    • Requires you to collect data, facts, and information about the object of your inquiry
    • Is an active learning process and a problem-solving technique
    • Involves cooperative learning to find solutions
  • Nature of Inquiry:
    • Elevates one's thinking power and encourages thinking in different ways
    • Enables the creation of something unique or innovative for personal growth and the world
  • Governing Principles or Foundation of Inquiry:
    • John Dewey's theory of connected experiences for exploratory and reflective thinking
    • Lev Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) emphasizes provocation and scaffolding in learning
    • Jerome Bruner's theory focuses on learners' varied world perceptions for interpretative thinking
  • Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning:
    • Elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills
    • Improves student learning abilities
    • Widens learners' vocabulary
    • Facilitates problem-solving acts
    • Increases social awareness and cultural knowledge
  • Nature of Research:
    • Research includes gathering data, information, and facts for knowledge advancement
    • It is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase understanding of a topic or issue
  • Nature of Research:
    • It is a studious inquiry or examination aimed at discovering and interpreting facts or revising accepted theories
    • Requires various mental acts to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of claims or conclusions about the research topic
  • Characteristics of Research:
    • Accuracy
    • Objectiveness
    • Timeliness
    • Relevance
    • Clarity
    • Systematic
  • HOTS stands for higher order thinking strategy. It is a strategy that involves the use of logic and reasoning to solve problems
  • Purposes of research 1. To learn how to work independently 2. To learn how to work scientifically or systematically. 3. To improve reading and writing skills. 4. To have an in-depth knowledge of something. 5. To free yourself.
  • Basic Research concerned with knowledge for the sake of theory. Its design is not controlled by the practical usefulness of the findings.
  • Applied Research is concerned with showing how the findings can be applied or summarized into some type of teaching methodology.
  • Practical Research goes one step further and applies the findings of research to a specific
    "practical" teaching situation.
  • 2 Types of research based on application
    Pure Research deals with concepts, principles, or abstract things, history, fundamentals, aims to increase your knowledge about something. Applied Research - applies your chosen research to societal problems or issues, finding ways to make positive changes in society.
  • Base on Purpose of the Research Descriptive research - aims at defining or giving a verb portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation, liable to repeated research because its topic relates itself only to a certain period or a limited number of years.
  • Correlation Research - shows relationships or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or agents called variables that affect the research.
    -it is concerned in indicating the existence of a relationship, not the causes and ways of the development of such relationship.
  • Explanatory Research - elaborates or explains not just the reasons behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such relationship exists.
  • Exploratory Research - research's purpose is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic.
    • will discover ideas on topics that could trigger your interest in conducting research studies.
  • Action Research - this type of research an ongoing practice of a school, organization, community, or institution for the purpose of obtaining results that will bring improvements in the system.
  • 2 Based on types of Data Needed
    Qualitative Research
    • requires non-numerical data, which means that the research uses words rather than numbers to express the results (the inquiry or investigation about people's thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, and lifestyles regarding the object of the study).
    Quantitative Research
    • involves measurement of data, thus it presents research findings referring to the number of frequency of something in numerical fonts (e.g. percentages, fractions, numbers)
  • 2 Types of Data
    Primary Data - are obtained through direct observation or contact with people, objects, artifacts, paintings, etc.
    • are new and original information resulting from your sensory experience.
    Secondary data - data that have already been written about or reported on and are available for reading purposes.
  • 3 Approaches to Research
    Scientific or Positive approach
    • discover and measure information as well as observe and control variables in an impersonal manner.
    • appropriate data gathering techniques are structure interviews, questionnaires, and observational checklists.
    • this method is suitable for quantitative research since data given by these techniques are expressed through numbers.
  • 3 types of Approaches in research
    Naturalistic Approach
    uses words, and directs you to deal with qualitative data that speak of how people behave toward their surroundings.
    • happens in natural setting, non-numerical data are gathered which are mostly express truths about the way people perceive or understand the world
  • 3 types of approaches in research Triangulation Approach -an approach as combination of scientific and naturalistic in which researcher is free to gather and analyze data using multiple methods, allowing to combine or mix up research approaches, research types, data gathering, and data analysis you opportunity to view every angle of the research from different perspectives.
  • Qualitative research puts high value on people's thinking or point of view conditioned by their personal traits
  • Characteristics of Qualitative Research:
    • Data analysis results show an individual's mental, social, and spiritual understanding of the world
    • A lot of changes occur continuously in the stage of qualitative research
    • Multiple research approaches and methods are allowed
    • Specific ideas in qualitative research are directed to a general understanding of something
    • Contextualization involves all variables, factors, or conditions affecting the study
    • Diversified data is collected in real-life situations
    • Abounds with words and visuals
    • Internal analysis examines the data yielded by the internal traits of the subject individuals
  • Types of Qualitative Research:
    • Case study: long-term study of a person, group, organization, or situation
  • Advantages of qualitative research:
    • Naturalistic approach to subject matter
    • Full understanding of human behavior traits in natural settings
    • Instrumental for positive societal changes
    • Respect for people's individuality
    • Understanding and interpreting social interactions
    • Increases researcher's interest in the study
    • Offers multiple ways of acquiring and examining knowledge
  • Disadvantages of qualitative research:
    • Involves researcher's subjectivity in data analysis
    • Hard to know the validity or reliability of data
    • Open-ended questions yield data overload
    • Time- consuming
    • Results greatly depend on the researcher's views or interpretation
  • Qualitative research in different areas of knowledge:
    • Positive or scientific research focuses on measurable and observable facts in hard sciences or STEM fields
  • Researches under humanistic categories:
    • Literature and Art Criticism: researcher evaluates the object of study critically
  • Research under humanistic category:
    Philosophical Research - focus on knowledge and principles of being and human conduct
  • Historical Research- investigation centers on events and ideas from a specific period
  • Qualitative research in different areas of knowledge:
    Naturalistic research known in the field of social science/ soft science, is people-oriented, collecting data representing personal views, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, and other subjective traits in a natural setting
  • Types of Qualitative Research:
    • Ethnography: study of a particular cultural group
  • Types of Qualitative Research:
    • Phenomenology: study of how people find their experiences meaningful
  • Types of Qualitative Research:
    • Content and Discourse Analysis: analysis of the substance or content of communication modes
  • Types of Qualitative Research:
    • Historical analysis: examination of primary documents to understand past events