4.1 predicting chemical reactions

Subdecks (5)

Cards (59)

  • Explain why the reactivity decreases down group 7 - the difference in the electrons:
    • going down the group, the atoms get bigger
    • outer electrons are further from nucleus
    • attraction between negative electrons and positive nucleus are less strong
  • Explain why the reactivity decreases down group 7 - the difference in reactivity:
    • group 7 elements react to become ions with 1- charge. this means they gain 1 electron
    • down the group, there is less attraction for the outer electrons
    • means that the elements gain electrons less easily
  • Describe experiment A:
    • Chlorine displaces the bromide ions in NaBr. This leads to the formation of bromine which is orange
    Describe experiment B:
    • There are no observations in experiment B because bromine cannot displace the chlorine ions in NaCl.
    Explain the results:
    • This is because reactivity decreases down group 7. Bromine is lower down than chlorine and therefore is less reactive and cannot displace.