Assessment is defined as all activities undertaken by teachers and students to gather information for altering teaching and learning.
Assessment is an effective tool to enhance learning and is derived from a Latin word meaning "to sit beside"
Evaluation is product-oriented, focusing on what has been learned and is judgmental and provides grades
Assessment is ongoing, while evaluation provides closure
Assessment improves learning quality, while evaluation judges the level of learning
Assessment is upgraded, while evaluation is graded
Assessment provides feedback, while evaluation shows shortfalls
Formative Evaluation:
Ongoing process to monitor students' learning progress during instruction
Provides ongoing feedback to students and teachers
Summative Evaluation:
Given at the end of the course to assess the extent of mastery of intended learning outcomes
Diagnostic Evaluation:
Used to find out the exact problem and understand students' strengths and weaknesses
Performance in physical ability can be improved by focusing on two components:
Health Related Fitness:
Refers to measuring general wellbeing by achieving health fitness in areas like aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, strength, flexibility, and body composition
Skill Related Fitness:
Based on the neuromuscular system and determines how successfully a person can perform a specific skill
Includes abilities like action, balance, and coordination
Body Composition:
Refers to the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in the body
Calculated using Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (in kg) / Height^2 (in m)
Reasons why Assessment and documenting them in the form of a report is important: