Making the Hiring Decision

Cards (8)

  • Unadjusted Top - Down Selection – applicants are rank-ordered on the basis of their test scores
  • Compensatory Approach – the assumption is that if multiple test scores are used, the relationship between a low score on one test can be compensated for by a high score on another
  • Rule of Three – the names of top three scorers are given to the person making the hiring decision
  • Passing scores – a means for reducing adverse impact and increasing flexibility
  • Multiple-cutoff approach – the applicants would be administered all of the test at one time
  • Multiple - Hurdle Approach – to reduce the costs associated with applicants failing one or more tests
  • Banding – attempts to hire the top scorers while still allowing some flexibility for affirmative action
  • Standard Error – used to determine how many points should the applicants have to say that their test scores are significantly different