
Cards (7)

  • Adjectif Demostratif
    Ce - Masculine
    Cet - Masculine (Starting with Vowel)
    Cette - Feminine
    Ces - Plural
  • Adjectif Possessif
    -> Pronouns - Male, Female, Plural
    Je - Mon, Ma, Mes
    Tu - Ton, Ta, Tes
    Il/Elle - Son, Sa, Ses
    Nous - Notre, Notre, Nos
    Vous - Votre, Votre, Vos
    Ils/Elles - Leur, Leur, Leurs
  • Prenom Relatif
    1. Qui - Used in front of a verb (regardless of it starting with a vowel, Replaces Subject and followed by a verb)
    2. Que - Used in front of a subject (Replaces the Object, Followed by a Subject)
    3. Qu' - Used in front of subject starting with vowel (il, elle, ils, elle)
    4. Ou - Mostly used for Place; Time
    5. Dont - "OF WHICH" (not any indicators but understanding of the question helps)
    e.g - Some of the Sample Paper questions *of which* Ma'am gave, will be in the exam.
  • Prenom Personnel
    -> Placement - COD, COI, Y, EN
    • COD - (Le, La, Les)
    -> Adj. Possessif - mon, ton, son, notre....
    -> Adj. Demonstratif - ce, cet, cette, ces...
    -> Articles - le, la, l', les
    • COI - (Lui, Leur)
    -> à + person (to someone/ something)
    -> à family
  • Prenom Personnel
    • Y - Used for Place
    -> à family in the sentence (aux, à, àle, àl'....)
    -> place or preposition (expect 'de')
  • Conjugation
  • Conjugation