Globalization - this refers to the increasing global inter-connectedness of different nation states.
Rejectionists - scholars who believe that the term "globalization" is a vague, ambiguous, and complex term.
Sceptics - globalization is not a global phenomenon because it is only centered on Europe, Eastern Asia and North America
Modifiers - they believe that globalization is not a recent phenomenon.
The evolution of globalmarkets and international corporations led to global economic interdependence among nation-states.
European Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) are examples of economicglobalization
EU - European Union
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Association
NAFTA grants the most-favored-nation status to all co-signers
NAFTA eliminates tariffs on imports and exports between the three countries
According to NAFTA, exporters must get Certificates of Origin to waive tariffs
NAFTA establishes procedures to resolve trade disputes
economic globalization increases the linkage of national economies through trade, financial flows, and foreign direct investment (FDI) by multinational or trans-national corporations (MNCs/TNCs)
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
MNCs - Multinational Companies
TNCs - Trans-national companies
Foreign Direct Investment - The purchase of an interest in a company by investors located in another country.
Muntinational Countries - Own a home company and its subsidiaries. Centralized management system. Will face a barrier in decision-making due to its centralized management system
Transnational Companies - Do not have subsidiaries but just many companies. Do not have a centralized management system. Can gain more interest in the local markets since they maintain their system
1944BrettonWoodsConference - contributed to the formation of the “golden age of controlled capitalism”
The emergence and evolution of the post-World War I global economy was attributed to the establishment of 1944BrettonWoodsConference.
Political globalization includes the discussion and analysis of political processes and institutions.
the rise of a “borderless world” was the consequence of the irresistible forces of capitalism
Heterogeneity – The differences in cultural identity related to class, ethnicity, and traditions.
'Homogeneity – The quality of a culture or state of being is uniform in structure.
cultural globalization signifies a growing linkage of intricate cultural interconnections and interdependencies that define our modern social life.