gender bias

Cards (12)

  • alpha bias - differences are exaggerated
  • beta bias - differences are ignored or minimised
  • androcentric research - males are viewed as being the centre of culture
  • endrocentrism - female behaviour is viewed as the norm
  • research design can make gender bias more likely - and conclude with biased results
  • when a research question is proposed psychologists need to be careful to not include any gender sterotypes
  • gender bias can be created as a result of publication bias
  • freuds theories - described male behaviour as the norm - argued that women are inferior and suffer from penis envy - alphas bias
  • asch - research was androcentric - used a male only sample - assumed that conformity rates would also apply to women - beta bias
  • example of beta bias is the fight or flight response - assumed men and women respond the same way
  • taylor - females adopt a tend and befriend response in stressful situations
  • fight of flight research is androcentric - based exlusively on males but is applied to men and women