Gas exchange

Cards (4)

  • Here is what happens during gas exchange, label the parts with blood in, blood out, alveoli, oxygen in, carbon dioxide out
    A) Blood in
    B) carbon dioxide out
    C) oxygen in
    D) alveoli
    E) blood out
  • Carbon dioxide is going to diffuse from the capillary to the alveoli from a high concentration to a low concentration
  • Oxygen is going to diffuse from the alveoli to the capillaries from a high concentration to a low concentration
  • Gaseous exchange structure:
    • The alveoli are covered in capillaries and have a large red blood cell supply
    • Capillaries are close to the alveoli so the diffusion distance is short
    • Alveoli have a large surface area to allow diffusion to take place
    • Thin walls allows quick diffusion
    • Gases move from areas of high concentration to low concentration