Firewall-preventsunauthorised access between two networks. Can be implemented on both hardware and software.
Data filtering- packets of data are inspected by the firewall to check which part they attempting to access.
Proxy servers- Makes a web request on behalf of the recipient's computer, hiding the true network addresses of the source.
Encryption- encoding a plaintext message so that it cannot be deciphered unless you have a numerical key to decrypt it.
If a message is intercepted, it will notbeunderstood due to encryption.
if the key can be intercepted, the encryption process is rendered useless.
Trojans- malicious software programs that hide as harmless/useful applications.
cannot self-replicate
are often used to make the processingpower, internetbandwidth and data of a computer can be exploited remotely
Phishing- using email to manipulate a victim into visiting a fake website and giving away personal information.
Buffer overflow- when data that is too big for its location gets rewritten to a different location causing malware to manipulate it.
Malware can deliberately cause and manipulate overflow data, which may be read as malicious instruction.
SQL injection- when a malicious user enters SQL commands via online database forms
A worm is a standalonemalware program that exploit vulnerabilities in the destination system and spreads automatically.
Prevention of malware:
Up-to-date patches to the operating system and application programs reduce vulnerabilities in the system.
Up-to-date anti-malware/anti-virus software can prevent the spread of infection.
Damages users data
Worms and viruses self-replicate
A virus infects (embeds itself in) other programs or data files
A virus needs a user to help it spread
Packet filtering:
Packets of data are inspected by a firewall to check which port they are attempting to access.
Different network protocols use different port numbers.
If this traffic is to be allowed through, the port must be opened for the duration of the connection, otherwise, the firewall will automatically reject it.
Network topology- the arrangement of the various computing devices which make up a computer network.
Bus topology- a network arrangement where nodes are connected in a daisy chain by a single central communications channel.
Features of a bus network
All nodes are connected to a single backbone cable
Each end of the backbone is connected to either a terminator or a computer which stops signals 'bouncing back'
Each node is passive
Data is sent in onedirection at a time
Only onecomputer can transmit successfully at any time
Advantages of a bus network:
Inexpensive to set up
Devices can easily be added
Works on a small network
Disadvantages of a bus network:
The main cable is a point of failure
Limited cable length
Performance degrades with heavy use, owing to data “collisions”
Poor security
star topology- an arrangement where a central node/hub provides a common connection point for all other nodes.
Features of a star network
computers are connected to a central node. This is often a switch
A switch sends each communication to the specific computer it is intended for.
Advantages of a star network
Easily add new nodes
Switching off a node doesn't affect the rest of the network
More secure if a switch is used as data is sent only to recipient
Disadvantages of a star network
If the switch stops working, the whole network fails
Can be expensive to set up
Internet- A network of inter-connected networks
World Wide Web (WWW)- A collection of resources accessed via the internet
UniformResourceLocator (URL)- used to specify the means of accessing a resource across a network and its location
Structure of the Internet
Each continent uses backbonecables fed across the sea.
NationalInternetServiceProviders (ISPs) connect directly to backbones.
ISPs distribute internet connection to smallerproviders who provide internet access to homes and businesses.
The addresslength of IPV4 is 32 bit
The address length of IPV6 is 128 bit
circuit switching- creates a direct link between two devices for the duration of the communication.
packet switching- a method of communicating packets of data across a network.
Data packets
when sending across a network, data is broken into chunks/units called data packets and are assembled again at the receiving end.
Latency- how long it takes for data to come from one place to another.
Building a packet
A data packet is a segment of data that needs to be sent
Packets are sent into three sections: The header, the payload and the trailer.
The header contains the information about the data
The payload is the data itself varying from 500 to 1500 bytes
The Trailer is the end of the packet.
Packet size
packets are deliberately kept small
this ensures that individual packets do not take excessive time to transfer preventing other packets from moving
Packet trailer
Trailer checks if data is error-free
Receiver checks data using Checksums or Cyclical Redundancy Checks (CRCs)
if the checksum doesn't match the request, data is considered corrupted and a new request will be sent.
Gateways are required where data is travelling from one network to another that use different protocols.
Networks using different transmission media can require a gateway
Header data are removed and reapplied using the correct format of the new network
A router and a gateway can often be combined into one integrated device
TCP/IP protocol stack- a set of rules used in turn, to format a message so it can be sent over a network.