immune effector functions (activation and deployment of immune cells and associated factors)
immune regulation (knowing when to limit or step-up a response; failure can be problematic, waste resources and energy)
immunological memory (long-lasting protection - protect from repeated infections)
body tolerance is developed a baby when growing and allows us to recognise when a pathogen (anything foreign to the body) is present
the haematopoietic stem cell can diversify into the common lymphoid precursor (giving rise to B and T cells and NK cells) and the common myeloid precursor (giving rise to mast cells, granulocyte-macrophage progenitor and eventually neutrophils, basophile and eosinophils, and a macrophage dendritic cell precursor and eventually the dendritic cell and monocyte/macrophage)
Monocytes and macrophages are the same cells but in different stages of maturation, the monocyte is within the blood and macrophage is within tissues
NK cells work alongside both macrophages and effector T cells
B and T cells are only used when required as they require a lot of resources and energy but they are highly specific
lymph nodes are concentrated in the trunk of the body to be closer to the organs - there are very few below the groin as there are no essential organs below there. this is where the B and T cells are stored and produced from
primary lymphoid tissues include the bonemarrow and the thymus and are where lymphocytes are produced
secondary lymphoid tissues include the spleen, appendix, adenoid, tonsils and lymph nodes
the efferent lymphatic releases cells from the lymph node out to the heart into the circulatory system with the cells driven to the site by chemical signals and stress proteins. they stop in the artery before moving to the tissue
extracellular pathway of infection:
free pathogens (virus, bacteria, etc) appear randomly in the interstitialspaces, blood and lymph and are noticed by macrophages that then trigger antibodies, complement cascade phagocytosis and neutralisation
free pathogens (streptococcus pneumoniae) often have substances which have lots of sugars which stick to epithelial surfaces as they have receptors which bind to the cell causing stress and causing antibodies especially IgA and antimicrobialpeptides to become activated
intracellular pathway of infection can be:
cytoplasmic (listeria monocytogenes) - cytotoxic T cells and NK cells are the defence
vesicular (Legionella pnuemophila) - t-cells and NK-cell dependant macrophage activation are the defence
The intracellular pathway of infection is when pathogens jump into the cell and are encapsulated in vesicles and they replicate, they then go into the cell's membrane which then circulates the body whilst being recognised as self
direct mechanism of tissue damage by pathogens include:
Exotoxin production - tonsillitis and tetanus
endotoxin production (in cell destruction) - gram-negative sepsis, typhoid fever, plague
direct cytopathic effect (bac have target and that's how cell is killed) - chicken pox, cold sore, flu
indirect mechanism of tissue damage by pathogens include:
immune complexes - systematic conditions such as kidney disease and syphilis
cell-mediated immunity (rely on t helper cells help) - tuberculosis, tuberculoid leprosy
antibodies involved in the indirect mechanism of tissue damage by pathogens clump things together and can become huge, cause blockages and tissue damage
Peyer's patch in the small intestinal tissue is full of immune cells, the lumen is where food/saliva is with most things not liking the low pH environment although some have adapted to be acidophiles
interleukins (IL-) is more common and have a variety of actions dependent on cell/cytokine interaction often switching things on or off
TNF superfamily (tumor necrosis family) are regulators of immune responces and often alpha
interferons (INF-) are antiviral proteins
TGF-beta superfamily (tumor growth factor) regulation of immune cells often switching off or negative growth factor
innate immune system include neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil, monocyte, macrophage, mast cell, NK cells (myeloid cell lineage)
the innate immune system is an immediate response to pathogens and is non-specific
the adaptive immune system composed of t and b lymphocytes is activated from days 1-7
the macrophage is an antigen-presenting cell and hoovers everything in its path - both pathogenic and cells which have changed and waste products
the macrophage matures from blood monocytes and are found in tissues microglial (nerve) cells and kupffer (liver) cells and is involved in the respiratory burst where there is a release of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid
macrophages reuse and repurpose the cellular material that they ingest, but when they become overwhelmed they go through cell death themselves
macrophages phagocytose material and present on the surface and an immune response is mounted when non-self proteins are recognised.
the macrophage expresses receptors for many bacterial constituents - mannose receptor, glucan receptor and LPS (lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14)
bacteria binding to macrophage receptors initiate the release of cytokines chemokines and small lipid mediators of inflammation
macrophages engulf and digest bacteria to which they bind:
phagosome - phagocytosis occurs
lysosome - degradation if inter and extracellular components
phagolysosome - oxidative burst occurs
an activated macrophage secrete a range of cytokines:
CXCL8 (IL-8)
IL-1beta activates the vascular endothelium allowing self-cells to move from artery to tissue with its increased permeability, activates lymphocytes local tissue destruction and increases access of effector cells
TNF-alpha activates the vascular endothelium and increases vascular permeability, which leads to increased entry of IgG complement, and cells to tissues and increased fluid drainage to lymph nodes
IL-6 is involved in lymphocyte activation and increased antibody production and induces acute phase protein production
CXCL8 (IL-8) is chemotactic factor which recruits neutrophils, basophils and t cells to the site of infection
IL-12 activated NK cells and induces the differentiation of CD4 T-cells into Th1 cells
the acute phase response occurs when bacteria induce macrophages to produce IL-6, which acts on hepatocytes to induce the synthesis of acute-phase proteins