Strings are written inside doublequotationmarks but sometimes singlequotes are used
Strings can be joined together to form new strings - this is called concatenation - It's often done using the + operator
Characters in a string are usually numbered starting at 0
What is the role of the x.upper string manipulation function?
It changes all characters in string x to upper case
What is the role of the x.lower string manipulation function?
It changes all characters in string x to lower case
What is the role of the x.length string manipulation function?
It returns the number of characters in string x
What is the role of the x.left(i) string manipulation function?
It exctracts the firsticharacters from string x
What is the role of the x.right(i) string manipulation function?
It extracts the last icharacters from string x
What is the role of the x.substring(a, b) string manipulation function?
It extracts a string starting at positiona with lengthb from string x
upper, lower, length, left, right and substring are special functions called methods - they act on a particular object (in this case strings) and are called using the object's name followed by a dot "." and the method'sname
substring, left, and right are examples of 'slicing' - where part of a string is extracted and returned as a new string