Social development includes life expectancy and infant mortality rate
Economic development is measured by GDP (gross domestic product) and GNI (gross national income)
Inequalities within and between countries are influenced by geographical position, size, natural resources, climate, economic policies, stable governments, population policies
Human Development Index (HDI) considers GDP, education, and longevity
Globalisation is the increasing connections of countries in economics, politics, and culture
Nokia is a case study for development, with headquarters in one location, research and development near demand, and production in LEDCs for lower costs
Glebe Farm is a case study for the Primary sector, focusing on arable farming with inputs, processes, and outputs influenced by relief, temperature, precipitation, soils, land, and more
Industrial systems: Manufacturing industry (conversion of raw materials), Processing industry (creating finished products), Assembly industry (putting parts together), High-tech industry (cutting-edge technology)
Location decisions for industries are based on proximity to raw materials, markets, and some industries are footloose and can be located anywhere