Waves electromagnetism and space p12 - p16

Cards (22)

  • Waves can be used to transfer energy and information
  • Transverse waves - waves that oscillate perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer
  • Longitudinal waves - oscillations parallel to the direction of energy transfer (sound waves)
  • Mechanical waves are waves that travel through a medium can be longitudinal or transverse
  • Amplitude - The maximum displacement of a point from its equilibrium position.( hight from the middle line )
  • Wavelength - the distance between two adjacent points on a wave.
  • Frequency - the number of waves passing a point per second.
  • Time period = 1/frequency (s)
  • Wave speed = frequency x wavelength (m/s)
  • Plane waves - in a ripple tank are reflected at the same angle as they were insidented as there speed and wavelength do not change
  • Refraction occurs at a boundary at two materials because the speed and wavelength changes
  • Sound waves - vibrations that travle or through a medium
  • Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum
  • To investigate waves use
    • a ripple tank
    • a string
    • a single generator and a loud speaker
  • The pitch increases the frequency
  • The loudness of the note increases the amplitude
  • Ultrasound waves are reflected and times to calculate distance
  • Order of the earths layers :
    outer core
    inter core
  • Primary waves (p-waves) cause initial tremors - these are longitudinal waves that push and pull materials
  • Secondary waves ( s-waves ) cause more tremors than p waves they are transverse waves and travel faster than p waves
  • L waves are the slowest and cause violent movment on the surface - they are both longitudinal and transverse
  • Seismic waves - waves that travle thought the caused by earthquakes