chemicals which are used are harmless in largedilution
fracking con:
naturalgas is a fossil fuel and therefore harmful to the climate
during fracking, cracks in rocklayers can also be blownup
largeamount of water for agriculture is missing
pro Vegetarismus:
its healthier
better for the environment
lessmeatproduction, less animals that threaten badly
vegetarianism con:
missing important proteins (B12)
exoticfruits have to be flight in from othercountries (co2emissions)
e-fuels pro:
Acceptance from society
noadditional greenhouse gases
e-fuels can be easilystored and transported over long distances without any energy loss
E-fuel con:
highcost of production
productionrequires a significant amount of renewableenergy
energy is weatherdependent
E-fuel, short for electronic fuel, refers to a type of syntheticfuelproduced using renewableenergysources, such as wind or solarpower
global warming: gradualheating of Earths surface mainly caused by humanactivitiesreleasinggreenhousegasesinto the atmosphere
GM foods (pro):
you could feed more people particularly in developing countries, could also improve food issues in developed countries
GM plants can be made resistant to drought, heat, pests, weeds, diseases so it protects the environment (use less pesticides and herbicides) and also less crops will be lost
GM foods (con):
Ethical considerations related to manipulating the genetic makeup of organisms
Potential unintended consequences in ecosystems
Climate change: increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long period of timeĀ (temperasures,wind)
Fossil fuel (oil,gas,coal):
sustainability ranking: low
pro: cheap, easy to get
con: not renewable, influence to climate change
nuclear power:
sustainability ranking: moderate
pro: get a lot of energy, no green house gases
con: nuclear waste, high percentage of risks
sustainability ranking: moderate
pro: its renewable using, not that chemical
con: stinks
Solar Energy:
sustainability ranking: high
pro: renewable energy, less emission
con: expensive to build, dependent on the weather
Wind energy:
sustainability ranking: high
pro: renewable, no risk for people
con: very loud, need wind to work
Water power (hydro energy/tidal energy):
sustainability ranking: moderate to high
pro: can control it
con: expensive, limited, stole life space from people/animals