Ao3 SLT agg

Cards (4)

  • role of biological factors.
    high levels of testosterone- Dabbs et al- measured salivary testosterone in a sample of 692 criminals. highest levels of testosterone had a history of violent crimes whereas those with the lowest levels, non-violent crimes.
    Rms cannot be the sole cause of aggression and that physiological mechanisms can also drive aggression. incomplete model of aggression , q validity
  • role of social context !Kung San tribe -parents do not use physical punishment and agg​ is devalued by their society as a whole. absence of aggressive rms reduces opportunities to learn aggression, -> less aggression in the next generation.
    Yanomamo tribe use aggression to settle disputes, been demonstrated by younger members of the tribe. shows that RMs within cultures like Yanomamo display and set the norm for aggressive beh that is then imitated by younger members of the group. However, when RMs in the culture normalise non-agg beh, this decreases aggression in younger members.
  • Another strength of SLT is that it correctly predicts the risk factors required to develop aggression. For example, Poulin and Boivin analysed aggression behaviour of boys aged 9-12 and found that most aggressive boys had lasting and stable friendships with other aggressive boys.
    This supports SLT as it suggests that being surrounded by aggressive role models that boys identify with and being exposed to their aggressive behaviour leads to the development of aggression. Further validating SLT as an explanation of aggression.
  • supporting evidence
    Bandura- young children observed role model either physically hitting a bobo doll or playing with it non-aggressively. Children were then taken to a room where they were was a bobo doll w other toys. Children who observed aggressive role models started hitting the bobo doll and recreating the behaviour, non-aggressive rm group almost never did.
    aggressive behaviour is learnt through observation and imitation of role models.
    more likely to imitate same sex rms, this also demonstrates how identification leads to a high level of imitation of aggression.