Coverage is the percentage of the populationreached by using one or more advertising medium at least once
Definition of Communication:
Sendingandreceivinginformation between two or more people
Process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a commonsystemofsymbols,signs or behavior
To encode-decodeinformation, news, ideas, and feelings but also create and share meaning
Types of Communication:
Verbal communication: through a spokenlanguage that is understood by sender and receiver
Written Communication: through the use of symbols that are understood by both the sender and the receiver
Body language: nonverbal communication that can be used to send a message
Communication in business:
Communication is a key function of management
Marketing Communications uses different marketing channels and tools in combination and focuses on any way a business communicatesamessagetoitsdesiredmarket
Digital non-verbal communication:
Non-verbal communication communicates the underlyingmessage
Examples include turned-offcameras,emojis,gifs, and professional-lookingprofilepictures
Communication Theories:
Foursidesmodel by Friedmann Schulz von Thun
Fivebasiccommunicationaxioms by Paul Watzlawick
Theoryofcognitivedissonance by Leon Festinger
AIDA-Model by Elmo Lewis
KISS (KeepItShortandsimple)
Internal communication includes formal and informal channels such as memos, emails, meetings, and social media.
External communication involves communicating with stakeholders outside the organization through advertising, public relations, customer service, and marketing.