Patho Respiratory System

Cards (50)

  • Pneumothorax
    "Collapsed lung" Air accumulates between lungs and chest wall
  • ARDS Symptoms

    Shortness of breath, tachypnea, low oxygen levels, muscle fatigue, weakness, hypotension
  • ARDS
    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, rapid lung failure
  • Cystic Fibrosis Treatmet
    Oxygen, humidifiers, antibiotics for infections, bronchodilators, pancreatic enzymes
  • Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms
    Cough, sputum production, fever, weight loss, increase respiratory rate, decrease tolerance
  • Cystic Fibrosis
    Multisystem disorder involving exocrine glands
  • Asthma PT Implications
    Fluids prior to exercise, have patient use inhalers 20-30 minutes prior to exercise, stretching and slow warm up period
  • Exercise Induced Asthma
    Develops 5-15 min after strenuous exercise when person no longer breathes through their nose
  • Asthma Common Triggers
    Allergens, tobacco smoke, chemical irritants, cold air, emotional arousal, certain medications, physical exercise
  • Asthma
    Bronchial tubes react to certain stimuli
  • Bronchiectasis
    Chronic dilation with weakening of the smaller bronchi and bronchioles
  • Atelectasis
    Collapsed lung when alveoli collapse and gasses are not able to exchange
  • COPD
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
    Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  • Acute Bronchitis
    a temporary inflammation of the mucous membranes
  • Lung Absess
    Capsule area where pus collects
  • Lobar Pneumonia
    Inflammation in lobes at terminal ends
  • Bronchophneumonia
    Inflammation in bronchi
  • Pneumonia Symptoms
    Fever, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath
  • Treatment of Pneumonia
    Antibiotics for bacterial, adequate hydration and nutrition, chest PT
  • Pneumonia Bacterial
    Productive cough, high fever, chills, dyspnea, tachypnea, pleuritic pain
  • Pneumonia Viral
    Non-productive cough, moderate fever, dyspnea, tachypnea, myalgias
  • Apnea
    absence of breathing
  • Eupnea
    normal breathing
  • Digital Clubbing
    Shape of nail bed changes; angle flattens out
  • Hypercapnia
    Increase carbon dioxide in the blood
  • Hypoxia
    Decrease oxygen to the body tissues
  • Hypoxemia
    Decrease oxygenation of arterial blood
  • Purse Lip Breathing
    Causes resistance to outflow at the lips, which maintains interbronchial pressure and improves mixture of gases i the lungs
  • Purse lip Breathing Used for
    Decreasing respiratory rate and calming
  • Wheeze
    Course, whistling sound heard on inspiration and/or expiration
  • Rhonchi
    Course rattles or popping usually heard on expiration, cleared with effective cough
  • Rales (Crackles)
    Fine, rattling, or cracking noise heard through auscultation
  • Kussmual Breathing
    Deep, labored gasping breathing
  • Biot's Respiration
    Group of shallow, quick breaths followed by periods of regular or irregular apnea
  • Cheyne-Stokes
    Patterns of quick breaths followed by periods of apnea
  • Ataxic
    Uncoordinated breathing pattern
  • Hyperpnea
    Fast, deep breathing
  • Hypopnea
    Shallow breathing
  • Bradypnea
    Breathing at a slower rate than expected
  • Tachypnea
    Breathing at a faster rate than expected