funtions:stimulates grwoth and control the function of other glands
Oxytocin natural hormone that
stimulates uterine contractions in childbirth and lactation after childbirth.
The hypothalamus of the brainmakesoxytocin, but the PituitaryGland
stores and releases it in the bloodstream
Oxytocin has an important role in many human in
behaviors and social interactions including:
Sexual arousal
Romantic attachment
Parent-infant bonding
Vasopressin (a.k.a. antidiuretic hormone) plays a role in regulating the circadian rhythm the periods of
sleepiness and wakefulness in a 24 hour cycle.
Vasopressin also helps maintain the body'sinternaltemperature, its bloodvolume, and the properflowofurinefromkidneys.
gland: thyroid
location: below the voice box
hormone release: thyroxin, calcitonin
functions: regulates
metabolism and causes storage of calcium in our body
Thyroxin plays a crucial role in:
heart and digestive function,
brain development bone health
muscle control
Calcitonin is involved in regulatinglevels of calciumandphosphateintheblood. It worksbyopposing the actionofparathyroidhormone, which means that it acts to reduce calcium levels in the blood.
gland: parathyroid
location: in the neck
hormone release: parathormone
functions: control calcium level and normalizes bone growth
gland: thymus gland
location: in front of the heart
hormone release: thymosin
function produces certain antibodies
Thymus is a smallglandinthelymphatic system that makes and trains the specialwhitebloodcellscalledT-cells.T-cells help your immune system fightdiseaseandinfection.
Thymosin is a hormonesecreted from the thymus.
ts primary
function is to stimulatetheproductionofT-cells which are important part of the immune system.
gland: andrenal gland
location: on top of the kidney
hormone release: andrenaline
fubction: prefer body for action controls heart rate and breathing in emergency situations
Adrenaline aka epinephrine, is a stresshormone. During a stressful situation, adrenaline floods your body within minutes.
Air passages dilate, redirecting more oxygen to the muscles to help you fight or run.
gland: pancreas
location: between the kidney
hormone: insulin, glucagon
functions: regulates blood sugar
Insulin regulate blood sugar levels. The pancreas responds
by producing insulin, which allows glucose to enter the body's cells to provide energy.
Glucagon is a hormone that works with other hormones and bodily functions to controlglucoselevelsintheblood.
Glucagon increases your blood sugar level and prevents it from dropping too low, whereas insulin, decreases blood sugar levels.
gland: testes
location: lower abdomen
hormone release: testosteron, androgen
function: contronl maturation and male characteristics
gland: ovaries
location: lower abdomen
hormone release: estrogen, progestrone
functions: influence female traits and supprts reproductive system