Globalization Def.: The fact that differentcultures and economicsystems around the world are becomingconnected and similartoeachother because of the influence of largemultinationalcompanies and of improvedcommunication
Globalization pro:
increased economic opportunities
access to variety of goods and services
culturalexchange and technological advancements
Globalization con:
Challenges my involve income inequality
risk of economicinstability in interconnected markets
OECD:Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development
CEO: ChiefExecutiveOfficer
MP: member of Parlament
Advertising pro:
shopping has become a hobby for many people
onlineshopping is convenient and often cheaper
everybody loves a bargain so sale are popular
Advertising con:
spoils our town
some people are addicted to shopping and buythings they don’tneed
onlineshopping has led to an increase in crime (stealing)
Maximalist: you owneverything what you want with a lot of colors and big size
Minimalism lifestyle: you only ownessentials that you need
Minimalism pro:
morespace, less cleaning
Minimalism con:
dont have stuff if you need them once
Maximalism pro:
Maximalism con:
more waste is generated
spending much money even wastingmoney
buyingaddiction is possible
A: Attention
I: Interest
D: Desire
ethical consumption: an ideal of being completely consequence-free in your purchase/shopping habits
conscious consumption: a movement that encourages people to be aware of what they buy and to use their money to support brands that have the same values whenever possible
what’s wrong with consumerism? it‘s intrusive, manipulative, unsustainable, it doesn’t meet our needs, it restricts our choices and lives, it affects our worldviews and characters
Gender Issues in the workplace: more from home working since Covid could have negative effects for women bc men will still be able to come in