slt agrees with the idea of learning through conditioning but claims they also learn from role models
modelling - involves observing and immitating the model
identification - identifying with the model - they might have positive characteristics
reinforcement - posiitve and negative can increase liklihood of behaviour reoccuring
vicarious reinforcement - seeing others being rewarded so they immitate the behaviour
4 steps - ARRM
a - attention - have to pay attention to understand the bheaviour
r - retention - need to remember what it was the model did
r - reproduction - need to judge your ability to reproduce the behaviour
m - motivation - if there is a good reward you are more likely to immitate
slt is reductionist - explains things through very basic cause and effect
bandura - 72 children - showed video group one playing nicely - group two being agressive - group three no video - group two were most afressive - effect had been stronger if video showed adult of same gender - identification