chemistry of the atmosphere

Cards (9)

  • in the first billion years, there were many volcanoes that produced gases that created the atmosphere
  • the water vapour from the air condensed into the oceans and lots of carbon dioxide from the air dissolved into the oceans which formed carbon precipitates
  • plants like algae evolved and photosynthesised to introduce oxygen in the atmosphere, meaning later sea creatures evolved
  • When plants and marine life died, they fell to the seabed and got compressed to form sediments, oil and trapped carbon which made gas.
  • greenhouse gases do not absorb incoming short wavelengths from the sun but do absorb long wavelengths (thermal radiation) that are reflected off the earth and reradiate it back in random different directions, heating the earth
  • fossil fuels contain hydrocarbons that are oxidised during combustion which releases carbon dioxide and water vapour into the atmosphere
  • incomplete combustion is when there is not enough oxygen in the air to completely burn the fuel and carbon monoxide as well as particulates are released which can cause respiratory issues and cause global dimming
  • carbon monoxide binds to the haemoglobin and prevents as much oxygen binding to it so the blood carries less oxygen to the muscles which can result in fainting, comas or even death. Carbon monoxide is also odourless and colourless
  • sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released during combustion where there are sulfur impurities and when the nitrogen particles are oxidised. When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides mix, this causes acid rain and can corrode metal and buildings, aswell as harming plant, animal and human health