He inherited spain, the spanishnetherlands, and Americancolonies from his dad charles v. Also inheritedportugal later on
what where some strengths of the spanishempire?
they were very wealthy and had a powerfullmilitary
what where some weaknesses of the spanishempire?
Due to wealth and all the gold and silver coming in on ships they struggled with lots of inflationproblems. They also lostmoneytowars and spent a lot of money of foreigngoods
what is militarydictatorship?
when an absoluterulergets their power from the military
who was louis xiii
He came to power in france after Henry iv died
who was CardinalRichalieu?
He was appointed by louisxiii to make up for his weakness. Richalieu was a strongruler and he strengthenedfrance
who was louisxiv?
He was ruler of france after his dad louis xiii. He helped to makefrance the most powerfull country in europe. He loved to surround himself with wealth and left both a good and badlegacy after his death
What was the palaceofversailles?
This was a giant palace where louisxivlived. He lived in royalty with many servants and peasants. This Palace represented his wealth and power
who was Mariatheresa?
She was a Austrianruler who faced many years of warduring her reign. She was also a part of the 7yearswar after creating an alliance with france
what was the 7 years war?
Austia and France frighting agianstRussiabritain and prussia. This war started after A and F started and alliance and Britain got nervous they where gonna become toopowerfull
The Hapsburgs where a family of catholic nobles who where from austria. They also ruled much of the area arround france
who was fredrick the great?
He was the kind of prussia who followed many of his fathers laws and rules but softened them a little. He encouragedreligoustoleration and legalreform. Said a ruler should be a father to hispeople
Who was Ivan the terrible?
A russianruler who married Anastaisia. During his good period he expandedrussia and addednewlaws
why was ivan the terrible call ivan the terrible?
After his wifesdeath he started to rulethroughfear and terrorkilling anyone who opposed him
who where the romanovs?
A family of Nobles in Russia that where elected to become a royalfamily
Who was michaelRomanov?
He was Anastasias nephew and was chosen as the firstRomanovruler
Who was peter the great?
He was a ruler of russia who focused greatly on westernization
What was westernization?
This was using europe as a model for Russian change. Russia changed many things like their appearanc, what they ate, how they traveled, And how their society was organzied
What was st.Petersburg?
A warmwaterport on the balticsea. Peter the great spent 20 years fightingSweden to take over the port
What was the englishcivilwar?
This took place after Parlimentpassedlaws to limit royal power. Charlesi got angry at this and fledlondon to raise and armynorth of england.
what where the twosides of the englishcivilwar?
cavaliers/royalist where the supporters of charles vs the puritans who supported parliment
After the Englishcivilwar who took over england?
what was the glorious revolution?
A bloodless overthrow of the english king.
king james dissolves parliment
members of paliment invite william and mary of orange to overthrow james
upon arrival james ran away. Mary and will gain power and promised to always honorparliment
What is a constitutionalmonarchy?
This was a monarchy promised by will and mary. This monarchylimited to rulerspower
What was the purpose of the english bill of rights?
This made clearlimits to royalpower
what is parliment?
the lawmaking body/branch of english government
what rulers tried to dissolveparliment?
charlesi and jamesii
How did the renaissance influence the scientificrevolution?
It was a rebirth of learning after the middle ages. This led to people desiringinformation and asking more questions
how did reformationinfluence the scientificrevolution?
It challenged and questioned church and its teachings
what is the geocentric theory?
This is the earth center view which means all planets and the sun circled the earth
What is the scientific revolution?
a new way of thinking about the natural world based upon observation and willingness to question accepted beliefs
what is the heliocentric theory?
The idea that all the planets revolved around the sun
What is the scientificmethod?
A logical procedure for gathering and testingideas. scientists started to use a hypothesis experiments and analyzation
What idea did francis bacon support?
He believed in the experimental method and urged scientists to experiment and draw conclusions
What idea did renedescartes support?
he believed it was important to use geometry and math for scientific research
Who was copernicus?
He came up with the heliocentrictheory bit died to soon to further hos research. kepler furthered his research
Who was kepler?
studies planetary motion and worked to provedcopernicuses theory
who was galileo?
He made a more powerfultelescope wich made it easier to see and study planets
who was isaacnewton?
Discovered the universal laws of gravity and motion