What is the defining characteristic of a within-subjects design?
It uses a singlegroup of participants and tests; observes eachindividual in all of the differenttreatments being compared – the study repeatsmeasurements of the sameindividuals under different conditions.
What are the two threats to internal validity in the context of within-subjects experiments?
Confounding from EnvironmentalVariables – Characteristics of the environment that may change from onetreatmentcondition to another; thus, there is an alternativeexplanation for the results.
Confounding from Time-RelatedVariables – During the time between the first and finalmeasurement, the participants may be influenced by a widevarietyoffactors other than the treatments being investigated.
What are the five confounding time-related variables?
Refers to environmentalevents other than the treatment that changesovertime and may affect the scores in one treatment differently than in another treatment.
Any systematicchanges in participants' physiology or psychology that occur during a research study and affect the participants'score.
Refers to changes in a measuringinstrument that occur over time.
Statistical Regression
Refers to the tendency for extremescores on any measurement to movetowardthemean when the measurement procedure is repeated.
Order Effects
Occurs when the experience of being tested in one treatment condition has an influence on the participants'score in a later treatment condition.
Carry-over Effects
Sub-effect of order effects; changes in the score observed in one treatment condition that are caused by the lingeringaftereffects of a specificearliertreatmentcondition.
Contrast Effect
Sub-effect of order effects; an example of a carryovereffect in which the perception of a treatment condition is influenced by its contrast with the previous treatment.
Progressive Error
Sub-effect order; changes in the scores observed in onetreatmentcondition that are related to generalexperience in a research study over time, but not to a specific treatment or treatments.
Fatigue Effects
Sub-effect of progressive error; progressivedecline in performance as a participant worksthroughaseries of treatment conditions.
Practise Effects
Sub-effect of progressive error; progressiveimprovement in a performance as participant gainsexperience through the series of treatment conditions.