Pharmacodynamics is the physiological biochemical drug effects on the organism
Pharmacokinetics is how the drug passes through the body and how it is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted.
Pharmacogenetics is how genetic differences influence a drug's pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Additive drug effects are when the magnitude of the combined drug effect is the addition of each drug's individual effect
Synergistic drug effects are when the magnitude of combined drug effect is greater than the addition of each drug's individual effect
Review process for animal research considers replacement, refinement, and reduction.
Phase 1 of clinical trials involves determining the most frequent adverse side effect
Phase 2 of clinical trials involves determining the therapeutic effectiveness in individuals with disorder
Phase 3 of clinical trials involves further determination of therapeutic effectiveness in a longer time span than phase 2
Phase 4 involves continued studies after FDA approval
A glial cell is a non-neuronal cell that supports and surrounds neurons.
Astrocytes are glia cells that are important for BBB (blood-brain barrier) and regulating extracellular environment
Microglia remove cellular waste and immune response in CNS (central nervous system)
Oligodendrocytes make up the myelin in CNS
Schwann cells make up the myelin in PNS
The somatic nervous system is part of the PNS and is responsible for voluntary movement
the autonomic nervous system is part of the PNS and is responsible for involuntary responses
The sympathetic division of ANS prepares body to respond to stressors, while parasympathetic division restores homeostasis
The superior colliculi is in charge of vision in the midbrain
The inferior colliculi is in charge of hearing in the midbrain
The ventral tegmental area is part of the midbrain in charge of reward with dopaminergic neurons
The hypothalamus is in charge of homeostasis and signals pineal gland hormone release
The nucleus accumbens is in the limbic system and is responsible for reward processing
The cerebellum is in charge of error correction in movements
The basal ganglia is in charge of initiating movement
An action potential is an abrupt depolarization of the neuron's membrane that allows communication over long distances
Depolarization is when there is less of an electrical charge difference between the inside and outside of a cell
Exocystosis is when vesicles fuse with the cell membrane of the presynaptic neuron and cause release of neurotransmitters
Ionotropic receptors are ion channels that open when a neurotransmitter binds to it. It changes local potential to be excitatory or inhibitory.
Metabotropic receptors do not have an ion channel and have a longer effect. It can change local potential, enzyme regulation, protein synthesis, and gene activation.
A G protein-coupled receptor is a metabotropic receptor that has 3 subunits that separate from the receptor when activated and can activate ion channels, effector enzymes, protein kinases, and a substrate protein.
Receptor tyrosine kinases are a type of metabotropic receptor
Autoreceptors are presynaptic neuron receptors that are activated by the released neurotransmitter and can inhibit further release
Heteroreceptors are presynaptic neuron receptors that neurotransmitters from other neurons bind to which causes a decrease or increase in neurotransmitter release
Glutamate is an amino acid neurotransmitter with both excitatory and inhibitory effects and both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors (NMDA, AMPA, kainate, and mGlu)
Glutamate is made by glutaminase converting glutamine to glutamate
Glutamate is catabolized by glutamine synthetase and undergoes reuptake by glutamine transports
GABA is made by GAD enzyme converting glutamate into GABA
GABA is an amino acid neurotransmitter that is inhibitory and has both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors (GABAa, GABAb)
GABA aminotransferase turns GABA back into glutamate