Microorganisms exist in populations in nature as mixed populations interacting with each other and with other organisms through competition and cooperation
Functions of the bacterial cell membrane include barrier function, selectively permeable barrier, site of respiration and photosynthesis, and energy conservation
Components external to the cell wall include capsule, which provides protection from hostdefenses and harsh environmental conditions, and fimbriae and pili for recognition and attachment to surfaces
The nucleoid is the irregularly shaped region where the chromosome is located, and plasmids are small, closed circular DNA molecules that exist and replicate independently of the chromosome
Cellular inclusions in bacteria include granules of organic or inorganic material reserved for future use, such as glycogen, poly-β-hydroxybutyrate, polyphosphate granules, and sulphur granules
Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells include cell size, presence of a nucleus, number of chromosomes, mitosis, presence of membranous organelles, cell wall composition, ribosome types, presence of cilia and flagella, among others
•Peptidoglycan only found in Bacteria.•Cell wall antibiotics such as Penicillin prevent cell wall formation and are bacteriolytic•LYSOZYME breaks G-M bonds. ‘bursts the cell’•Defence against bacteria•
G = N-Acetylglucosamine
M = N-Acetylmuramic acid
MG polymer chains linked via peptide bridges
why does not lysozyme lyse archaea
they lack peptidoglycan
why doesn't penicillin kill archaea
they have a variety of cell walls including pseudo-peptidoglycan