Topic 1-4

Cards (99)

    • Aristotle proposed the modeling principle of any organism as "energia" or "entelecheia" with the ultimate energy called its psyche or soul
    • Aristotle proposed 3 types of soul operating in the organism: vegetative, animal, and spiritual
  • History of Developmental Biology as a Science:
    • Started as an old science, one of the first
    • Dawn of biology in ancient Greece with Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) being the first to study embryos focused on chick
    • Aristotle proposed possible organs of an organism including spontaneous generation, hermaphroditism, and bisexual reproduction
    • Aristotle believed that the semen provides the "force" towards development and the menstrual blood provided the matter
    • Aristotle proposed the male as the "dynamic element" and the female as the "matter"
    • Aristotle's influence of religion is very strong
  • Renaissance of Developmental Biology:
    • William Harvey (1578 - 1657) proposed that all organisms came from an egg
    • Harvey's proposal: Omne vivum ex ovum
    • Spermists claimed that the embryo comes from one sperm only, disputed by physics
    • Ovists claimed that all generations will come from one egg only, disputed by physics
    • Theory of preformation arose with ovists and spermists
    • Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723) and Hartsoeker claimed to have seen little men inside individual spermatozoa
    • Lazaro Spallanzani (1729 - 1799) observed that the female egg develops only in the presence of male semen
    • Oscar Hertwig (1875) proposed that both sperm and egg contribute to form an embryo
    • Epigenesist theory proposed by Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1738 - 1794)
    • Vitalism proposed that a vital force specific to life is the prime mover for the grand unfolding of the organism
  • Comparative Embryology:
    • Karl Ernst von Baer (1792 - 1876) discovered eggs in many mammalian species and performed comparative studies
    • Ernst Haeckl (1834 - 1919) built on von Baer's study and proposed the controversial biogenetic law
    • Embryo Resemblances proposed by von Baer: all vertebrates pass through the same stages and possess similar structures that will later differentiate
  • Era of Experimental Embryology:
    • E.B. Wilson recognized that embryonic development is a manifestation of changes in the cell
    • T.H. Morgan and Wilson debated on whether the determinants of development came from the nucleus or cytoplasm
    • August Weismann proposed the germ plasm theory
    • Wilhelm Roux was the Father of Experimental Developmental Biology and manipulated zygotes or oocytes
    • Hans Driesch perfected Roux's experiments
    • Theodore Boveri and Sutton proposed the chromosome theory
    • Gregor Mendel rediscovered paper on hereditary traits
  • Studies of Genetics and Unresolved Issues:
    • Geneticists must provide evidence that genes control early stages of development of structures, not just terminal stages
    • Birth of Modern Genetics caused a deep divide leading to the establishment of genetics as a science
    • Unresolved issues include how genes determine hereditary traits, how the nucleus regulates metabolism, and how chromosomes direct different types of cytoplasm
    • Geneticists separated into those who believed in chromosomes as morphogenetic guides and those who believed in cytoplasm
  • The Molecular Biology Revolution:
    • Middle of the 20th century provided means to study the role of genes in development
    • Powerful techniques like Knock out and knock in genes and PCR were developed
    • Drosophila sp. and Caenorhabditis elegans were key model systems in molecular biology
    • Understanding the principles in invertebrates can apply to more advanced organisms
  • Spermatogenesis:
    • Histology of the Vertebrate Testes:
    • Frog testis has tunica albuginea, seminiferous tubules, and spermatocytes
    • Mouse testis has cyclical arrangement with spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes
    • Phases of Spermatogenesis include Spermatocytogenesis, meiosis, and Spermiogenesis
    • Metaphase and Anaphase differences in meiosis 1 and meiosis 2
  • Phases of Spermiogenesis:
  • Golgi phase:
    • Small PAS positive granules form within a vacuole (proacrosomal vesicle) in the Golgi complex
    • Centrioles migrate near the cell surface at the side opposite the future acrosome, initiating the formation of the flagellar axoneme
  • Cap phase:
    • Acrosomal granule covers the nucleus, becoming the acrosomal cap
    • Acrosome contains hydrolytic enzymes to digest the corona radiata and the zona pellucida of the ovum
  • Acrosomal phase:
    • Anterior pole becomes oriented towards the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubule
    • Nucleus becomes more elongated facilitated by the manchette
    • Mitochondria migrate towards the midpiece
  • Kartagener syndrome:
    • Characterized by immobile flagella due to a mutation in dynein, a motor protein associated with microtubules
    • Mutation can lead to immotile sperm and cilia in the respiratory tract and fallopian tube
  • Maturation phase:
    • Residual cytoplasm is removed
    • Golgi phase involves acrosomal vesicles melting the egg membrane and forming the egg of the sperm
    • Cap phase is relevant in cases of Kartagener syndrome
    • Acrosomal phase marks the orientation of the anterior pole towards the basement membrane
  • The Spermatozoon:
  • Different shapes exist according to species
    • The duration from spermatogonia to spermatozoa varies
    • Immature and mature spermatozoa are observed in different species
  • The cycle and wave arrangement of spermatogenic cells:
    • Sperm can be continuously delivered as one discharges, another is ready to follow
    • Sperm delivery is not seasonal and remains fertile as long as healthy
    • Specific cellular associations are seen in humans with 6 stages
    • A group of sperm can be readily released at any stage
    • Each segment is undergoing a cycle
  • Duration of spermatogenesis (days) in different species:
    • Mouse: 8.6 days for a cycle, 34.5 days for spermatogenesis
    • Hamster: 8.7 days for a cycle, 35 days for spermatogenesis
    • Sprague-Dawley rat: 12.9 days for a cycle, 51.6 days for spermatogenesis
    • Wistar rat: 13.3 days for a cycle, 53.2 days for spermatogenesis
    • Man: 16 days for a cycle, 70 to 74 days for spermatogenesis (4.5 cycles)
  • Supporting Cells - The Sertoli Cells:
  • Structure:
    • Sertoli cells do not divide during the reproductive period
    • They are resistant to infection, X-ray irradiation, and malnutrition
    • All growing spermatids are associated with Sertoli cells
    • Sertoli cells are involved in maintaining the blood-testis barrier
  • Functions:
    • Support includes protection and nutritional regulation of developing spermatozoa
    • Phagocytosis of residual cytoplasm
    • Secretion of various substances including ABP under the influence of testosterone and FSH
    • Conversion of testosterone to estradiol
    • Production of Inhibin to suppress FSH release
    • MDIF promotes regression of Mullerian duct
  • The Blood-Test Barrier:
    • Separates the seminiferous tubule into basal and adluminal compartments
    • Made of tight junctions to prevent paracellular transport
    • Prevents entry of noxious chemicals and autoimmune responses
    • Physiological disruption related to spermiation and feedback mechanisms
  • Gene Transcription During Spermatogenesis:
  • Transcription at diplotene:
    • Y chromosome of Drosophila transcribed for sperm viability
    • Isoform for B tubulin necessary for sperm motility
    • mRNA for bindin transcribed late in spermatogenesis for binding of sperm and egg
    • Akap82 transcribed at spermatid stage
    • mRNA for sperm protamine protein transcribed by spermatid for compacting chromatin
  • Hormonal Control of Spermatogenesis:
    • Spermatogenesis at puberty depends on the hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonadal axis to produce testosterone
    • FSH is crucial for the secretion of ABP and development of the blood-testis barrier
    • Sperm yield increases with FSH, preventing atresia of Type A spermatogonia
    • Sexual activity affects FSH levels and inhibin decreases FSH
  • Oogenesis:
    • Differs from spermatogenesis in various aspects including product cell motility, size, and genetic composition
    • Oogenesis involves meiotic arrests and the production of a single functional ovum
    • Primordial germ cells have different fates leading to the development of oocytes or spermatogonia
  • Yolk is present in the eggs of all animals except mammals
  • Mammals do not have yolk in their eggs because they do not produce a significant amount of mRNA
  • Yolk was discovered in the late 19th Century in the eggs of an amphibian and a fish
  • Yolk distributes in a specific manner in the oocyte, with ribosomes, mitochondria, platelets, and little cytoplasm found in the animal pole, and a large amount of yolk in the vegetal pole
  • Animal/vegetal axis is established with yolk platelets in vegetal hemispheres and glycogen granules, lipid inclusions, ER, and ribosomes in the animal pole
  • Specific RNAs are localized to certain regions of the cytoplasm, credited to the cytoskeleton
  • Oocytes produce transcripts for themselves and the future zygote, which should be sequestered from others and not translated unless fertilized
  • Cortical granules found in the actin-rich cortex are important during fertilization to prevent polyspermy and ensure only one sperm fertilizes the egg
  • Specific localizations are important for development and differentiation, as proven by centrifugation experiments
  • MPF (Maturation Promoting Factor) drives cells to enter mitosis and is regulated by cyclin-dependent kinase molecules
  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone) triggers ovulation and is the stimulus for the continuation of meiosis
  • Ovulation patterns in mammals vary, with eggs ovulated during sexual intercourse in MII (meiosis II) stage
  • Hormonal regulation of ovulation starts with environmental cues and involves the growth of follicles and initiation of ovulation