English Mastery Exam

Cards (10)

  • AdverbClause - is a group of words containing a subject and a verb that acts as an adverb
  • AdverbPhrase - is a group of words that act as an adverb
  • 7 Types of non-verbal communication: BodyLanguage, FacialExpression, Gestures, Proxemics, CulturalDifferences, EyeContact, ToneOfVoice
  • 3 uses of Adverbs: AdverbModifyingAVerb, AdverbModifyingAnAdjective,AdverbModifyingAnotherVerb
  • Adverb - Modifies a verb, adjective, or another verb
  • LinearText - Is a traditional text that needs to be read from the beginning to end to make sense of the text.
  • NonLinearText - is not required to be read from beginning to end since its reading path is non sequential
  • PrepositionalPhrases - Tells Place & Time
  • ReadersTheater - is when students read aloud from a script adapted from literature without requiring set, props, or memorized lines
  • InfinitivePhrases - can act as adverbs (usually telling why)