French Econ: debt to help USA-Estates General inequality of voting causes the commoners to break and form the National Assembly
Declaration of the Rights of Man: basic human rights the Louis XVI didn't like bc of limited monarch--> Reign of Terror from radical Jacobins--> Napoleon 1804
Haiti Rev: Maroons and enslaved Africans rebel led by L'Ouverture and indep country established in 1804, 1st in Latin America to win indep and to become permanently indep as result of slave uprising
Creole Rev: creoles refuse support of lower race classes; Bolívar believed in free market and abolition; creoles est pwrful conservative upper class
Women in Latin America: gained little
Philippine Rev: 1896; Propaganda Movement- people who contributed to magazines, pamphlets, etc advocating got greater indep
Cavour: PM of Piedmont-Sardinia led drive to unite the Italian Peninsula; Risorgimento (Italian resurgence)
Realpolitik: practical politics of reality
Otto von Bismarck: Prussian who united Germany in 1871 by using nationalist feelings to engineer 3 wars (Den, Aus, Fra)
Italy and Germany: internat stage now; WW1
Waning of the Ottomans: c. late 17th - 19th due to involvement with Western Euro idea and pwrs that Balkan nationalism developed; Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria , Romania rallied around cult markers- lang, folk trads, shared his, and religion
Ottomanism: movement to decrease ethnic, linguistic, and religious differences across the emp; served to highlight and intensify feelings of difference and promote their desire of indep