WHAP 5.3

Cards (21)

  • Industrial Revolution - a period of rapid economic growth in the 18th and 19th centuries bc of new technologies and industrialization
  • Industrialization: increased mechanization of production and the social changes that accompanied it; textiles, steam power, and iron
  • Industrialization happened because: Colombian exchange, maritime trading empires, increase agriculture, greater individual accumulation of capital
  • Agriculture Revolution: before indust rev 1700s- crop rotation and seed drill increased food production
  • Indust + medical care —> pop grow—> more people work in factories
  • Brits cotton indust vs. India cotton indust: 18th cottage industry- imported cotton from slaves in America and women spun in finished cloth in homes
  • Spinning Jenny- 1760s spin more than one thread at a time
  • Water frame: 1769 water power to drive spinning wheel and more eff- doomed household textile industry and production moved to factories
  • Richard Arkwright: patented the water frame, Father of the factory system
  • Interchangeable Parts: Parts that can be replaced with other parts of the same type, by Eli Whitney 1798
  • Interchange parts led to division of labor, no more skilled laborers needed to make parts
  • specialization of labor: each worker focus on one type of task —> assembly line (Ford)
  • Brit advantages: alt ocean seaways and well placed to import raw materials and export goods
  • Brits on coal: vital to steam power
  • Capital: money available to invest in businesses
  • Abundant Rivers: transport of raw materials and finished goods inexpensive
  • Protection of Private Property: entrepreneurial assurance that business created would not be taken away by others and/or gov
  • Strong Fleets: for defense and commercial ships for trade; raw materials
  • Growing Pop and Urbanization: farmers more food = Pop up, smaller % working in agriculture
  • Enclosure Movement: instrumental in demographic change- rural to urban (Manchester + Liverpool)
  • Bat Res: buildings with high ceilings so machines can move freely