Cards (17)

  • This is a method of exploration that delves into understanding the “why” and “how” behind people’s experiences, opinions, and behaviors.
    Qualitative Research
  • In simpler terms, Qualitative Research is more about stories and feelings.
  • What are the Characteristics of Qualitative Research?
    H____ U____________ and I_____________
    A_____, P_______ , and F_______
    M_______ r_______ A_________ and M______
    S__________ to G_____________
    D__________ d___ in r___-l___ s_________
    A______ with W_____ and V______
    I_______ A_______
    Human Understanding and Interpretation
    Actions, Powerful, and Forceful
    Multiple research Approaches and Methods
    Specificity to generalization
    Diversified data in real-life situations
    Abounds with Words and Visuals
    Internal Analysis
  • This characteristic of qualitative research is the data analysis results show an individual’s mental, social, and spiritual understanding of the word.
    Human Understanding and Interpretation
  • This characteristic of qualitative research is the Qualitative Research allows you to approach or plan your study in varied ways.
    Multiple research Approaches and Methods
  • This characteristic of qualitative research is the specific ideas in quantitative research are directed to a general understanding of something.
    Specificity to generalization
  • This characteristic of qualitative research prefers collecting data in a natural setting like observing people as they live and work, analyzing photographs or videos as they genuinely appear to people, and looking at classrooms unchanged or adjusted to people’s intentional observation.
  • This characteristic of qualitative research are Words, words, and more words come in a big quantity in this kind of research. Data gathering through interviews or library reading, as well as the presentation of data analysis is done verbally.
    Abounds with Words and Visuals
  • This characteristic of qualitative research is that you examine the data yielded by the internal traits of the subject individuals and study people’s perception or views about your topic.
    Internal Analysis
  • Name the 6 Types of Qualitative Research.
    Case Study, Ethnography, Phenomenology, Content and Discourse Analysis, Historical Analysis, Grounded Theory
  • This type of qualitative research involves a long time study of a person, group, organization, or situation. It seeks to find answers to why such thing occurs to the subject.
    Case Study
  • This type of qualitative research is the study of a particular cultural group to get clear understanding of its organizational set-up, internal operation, and lifestyle.
  • This type of qualitative research refers to the study of how people find their experiences meaningful.
  • Phenomenology comes from the word __________ meaning something known through sensory experience.
  • This type of qualitative research that requires an analysis or examination of the substance or content of the mode of communication.
    Content and Discourse Analysis
  • This type of qualitative research method is the examination of primary documents to make you understand the connection of past events to the present time.
    Historical Analysis
  • This type of qualitative research takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie your study at the time of data collection and analysis.
    Grounded Theory