ELA 10 - Word of the day

Cards (14)

  • Define Auspicious
    Part of speech: Adjective
    • Showing or suggesting that future success is likely.
  • Define Evanescent
    Part of speech: Adjective
    • Soon pass out sight, memory, or existence by quickly fading or disappearing.
  • Define Resilency
    Part of speech: Noun
    • Being able to successfully adapt to difficult or challenging life experiences.
  • Define Altruism
    Part of speech: Noun
    • Helping others WITHOUT expecting a reward
  • Define Facetious
    Part of speech: Adjective
    • Treating serious issues with deliberate and inappropriate humour.
  • Define Hubris
    Part of speech: Noun
    • Having excessive pride or arrogance
  • Define Mendacious
    Part of speech: Adjective
    • lying
  • Define Soliloquy
    Part of speech: Noun
    • A long speech given by the character to themselves as an expression of their inner thoughts.
    • Only the audience is supposed to hear them
  • Define Monologue
    Part of speech: Noun
    • A long speech given by an actor where ALL actors present can hear.
  • Define Aside
    Part of speech: Noun
    • A few words OR lines spoken by ONE character.
    • EITHER talking to ONE other character OR the audience
  • Define Irony
    Part of speech: Noun
    • The difference between what happens and what we expect to happen.
    • 3 types of irony; Situational, Dramatic, and Verbal
  • Define Situational Irony

    Part of speech: Noun
    • The irony of something happening that is very different to what was expected
  • Define Verbal Irony 

    Part of speech: Noun
    • A statement in which the speaker's words are NOT keeping up with the scenario/surroundings
    • Sarcasm
  • Define Dramatic Irony

    Part of speech: Noun
    • When the audience knows something that the character does NOT.