1. Introduction

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  • Developmental biology studies embryonic and other developmental processes
  • Embryology is a key subdiscipline of developmental biology
  • Embryonic development towards adult form is not linear
  • A single fertilized cell develops into all of the cells in the individual
  • Cells in embryos can direct their fate based on positional cues and instructions in their genes
  • Embryos build themselves progressively through development
  • Basic Principles of Development:
    • Cleavage: Cell Division in multicellular organisms
    • Gastrulation: Formation of 3 Germ layers
    • Organogenesis: Cell differentiation into Blood, Muscle, Nerves, etc.
    • Growth: Maturity
    • Morphogenesis or Developmental Mechanics: Involves Cell adhesion, shape, movement, proliferation/death, and extracellular materials
  • Developmental events are controlled by differential gene expression
  • Major developmental defects occur in approximately 3% of live births
  • Developmental biology is the study of the process by which organs grow and develop
  • Developmental biology studies genetic control of cell growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis
  • Developmental biology is the causal analysis of cellular mechanisms driving growth, pattern formation, and morphogenesis
  • Developmental biology studies how animals and plants grow and develop, synonymous with ontogeny
  • Questions in developmental biology revolve around understanding biochemical changes during physiological transitions between developmental stages
  • Developmental Biology is defined by questions of Differentiation, Morphogenesis, Growth, Reproduction, Evolution, and Environmental Integration
  • Differentiation involves the development of a single, pluripotent cell into a complete organism
  • Morphogenesis studies how differentiated cells move and reorganize to generate functional organisms
  • Growth questions the limiting factors for cell division and rates of mitosis in embryos
  • Reproduction involves gametogenesis and interaction of gametes at fertilization
  • Evolution studies the evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms
  • Environmental Integration shows how early development of organisms is influenced by environmental cues
  • Comparative Embryology, Evolutionary Embryology, Teratology, and Mathematical Modeling contribute to the study of development
  • Early "Embryologists" like Aristotle, William Harvey, and Marconi Malpighi made significant contributions to embryology
  • Aristotle considered basic developmental questions about the existence and growth of developing organisms
  • Aristotle discussed Epigenesis versus Preformation in embryonic development
  • Preformation theory suggests the organism is preformed in the sperm or egg and grows larger, while Epigenesis theory states the organism develops in a stepwise fashion from an unorganized state
  • Aristotle believed the embryo was formed from menstrual blood interacting with a male factor present in the semen
  • Aristotle believed that the embryo was formed from the menstrual blood interacting with a male factor in the semen
  • His observations supported the concept of epigenesis
  • Malpighi found embryonic structures in unincubated eggs left in the warm sun of southern Italy during the summer months
  • Malpighi's observations spurned the preformationist ideas
  • Preformationists believed in tiny preformed beings present in the gamete, with even tinier beings within their embryonic germ cells
  • Nicolas Hartsoeker, a Dutch mathematician and physicist, was a spermist preformationist
  • Charles Bonnet, a Swiss philosopher, was an Ovist preformationist
  • William Harvey, physician to King Charles I of England, explained blood circulation and published Essays on the Generation of Animals
  • Rene Descartes, a philosopher, introduced the famous phrase "Cogito ergo sum"
  • Pierre Maupertuis, a French mathematician and biologist, introduced the theory of survival of the fittest
  • Christian Pander visualized epigenesis of embryonic germ layers
  • Ernst von Baer described the notochord, discovered the mammalian egg, and proposed 4 laws of development
  • Heinrich Rathke described pharyngeal arches and skull formation