3. Plant Growth and Development

Cards (21)

  • Plant development is progressive and cumulative, influenced by plant regulators such as auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, inhibitors, and ethylene
  • Plant development has 3 aspects:
    • Growth: increase in cells/cell enlargement
    • Differentiation: transformation
    • Morphogenesis: 3-D shape/pattern
  • There are 2 stages of plant development:
    • Fertilization to seed maturation
    • Seed germination to plant maturation
  • Animal stages/phases of development include:
    • Pre-embryonic: gametogenesis
    • Embryonic: fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, histological differentiation, organogenesis
    • Post-embryonic: maturation
  • There are 2 types of plant growth:
    • Determinate/Close
    • Indeterminate/Open
  • Development in flowering plants involves:
    A. Double fertilization to seed maturation:
    • Embryo (dicot, monocot)
    • Seed (dicot, monocot)
    B. Development from seed germination to maturation:
    • Primary growth
    • Development of the root
    • Development of the shoot
  • Embryo consists of 2 cells:
    • Basal → suspensor
    • Terminal → embryo
  • Dicot (C. bursa) has fruits with ovules containing developing and maturing embryos in 3 stages:
    • Globular
    • Heart-shaped
    • Torpedo/Y-shaped
  • Globular embryo includes:
    • Endosperm
    • Integument
    • Suspensor
  • Heart-shaped stage has 2 prominent mounds
  • Torpedo-shaped stage includes:
    • Cotyledons
    • Epicotyl or plumule (embryonic shoot)
    • Plumule → shoot apex
    • Hypocotyl → radicle (embryonic root)
    • Seed coat/testa
  • Monocot seed (Zea mays) consists of:
    • Endosperm: Aleurone, starchy layer
    • Embryo: Scutellum, Plumule, Coleoptile, Coleorhiza
  • Dicot seed (Phaseolus sp.) outer part includes:
    • Seed coat, Hilum, Micropyle, Raphe
  • Dicot seed (Phaseolus sp.) inner part includes:
    • Cotyledons, Plumule, Radicle
  • Monocot seed (Z. mays) has endosperm in yellow color and embryo in a lighter color at the base
  • Development of seed maturation involves:
    • Dormancy
    • Seed germination: imbibition, metabolic rate, assimilation and respiration, active cell division and growth, rupture of seed coat, sprouting of embryo
  • There are 2 types of germination:
    • Epigeal
    • Hypogeal
  • Primary growth includes the development of the root:
    • Z. mays root tip: Root cap, Quiescent center, Zonation (cell division/meristematic zone, cell elongation, cell maturation/differentiation)
  • Meristematic zone consists of primary meristems:
    • Protoderm
    • Ground Meristem
    • Procambium
  • Development of the shoot (Coleus sp. shoot apex) includes:
    • Apical meristem
    • Leaf primordia
    • Axillary buds
    • 3 zones: Zone of cell division, Zone of cell elongation, Zone of differentiation/maturation
  • Apical meristem has tunica and corpus