4. Mitosis and Meiosis

Cards (12)

  • Mitosis partitions chromosomes into dividing cells
  • Prophase:
    • Prophase involves the condensation of chromosomes
    • Prometaphase and Metaphase follow Prophase
  • Anaphase:
    • Anaphase involves the separation of chromosomes towards opposite poles
  • Telophase:
    • Telophase marks the final stage of mitosis
  • Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid in germ cells and spores
  • An Overview of Meiosis precedes the First Meiotic Division: Prophase I
  • Prophase I stages:
    • Leptonema (Leptotene stage)
    • Zygonema (Zygotene stage)
    • Pachynema (Pachytene stage)
    • Diplonema (Diplotene stage)
    • Diakinesis
  • Importance of crossing-over:
    • Leads to new combinations of alleles
    • Increases genetic variability within a species
  • Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase I follow the Prophase I stages
  • The Second Meiotic Division is part of the process of meiosis
  • Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis differ in the development of gametes
  • Meiosis is crucial for the successful sexual reproduction of all diploid organisms