while the allies dealt with Germany, the Japanese focused on taking control of as many islands in the pacific as they could
GeneralDouglasMacArthurled a group of allied forces into the Phillipine Islands. He ordered 80K troop. but the Japanese sent more forces (200k+) to confrontMacArthur.
MacArthur led his troops down the Bataan peninsula. They hoped to be rescued but the Japanese controlled the waters along the coastline. US leaders determined A rescue was too ricky BUT a smallboat was able to rescue General MacArthur.
MacArthur promised his men, “Ishallreturn”
10KUSsoldiers were forced to surrender in the Philippines.
TheBataanDeathMarch: this was a 60milemarch throughout 5days. many of our soldiers were beaten or died. They were given littlefood or water. the survivors were taken to camps where many of them died.
AdmiralChesterNimitz (USNavyleader) who led the islandhoppingcampaign in the Pacific
Guadalcanal- nickname: (theislandofdeath)
Japan built an airfield there, after to months on the island they cleared the island and took control of it
Codetalkers: group of (400+) Navajonatives her were recruited as radiooperators. They created a language that Japan couldn’t decode