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  • Heredity: passing of traits and biological processes in between generations
  • Genes: ○ Center of studyUnit of hereditySegment of DNA
  • Cytogenetics: study of chromosomes
  • Cytology: study of cells
  • Genetics: study of inherited variation
  • 3 Categories of Traits ● MorphologicalPhysiological ● Behavioral
  • Examples of Genetic Variation (within species) ● Domesticated speciesHuman genetics ● Natural populations
  • Phenotypic variation is a direct consequence of genetic variation
  • Primary Sources ● MutationsGene flow
  • Mutations: changes in DNA
  • Gene flow: movement of genes from one population to another
  • Sex: can introduce new gene combinations; genetic shuffling
  • CLASSICAL GENETICS ○ Chromosomal theory of inheritance: the concept that genes are located linear in chromosomes ○ Based on Gregor Mendel’s 1st and 2nd LawLaw of Segregation ■ Law of Independent Assortment
  • MOLECULAR GENETICS ○ Based on the central dogma
  • EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS ○ Theory of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin ○ Changes in gene frequencies in populations
  • People have known about inheritance for a long time. ○ children resemble their parentsdomestication of animals and plants, selective breeding for good characteristics ○ Sumerian horse breeding recordsEgyptian data palm breedingBible and hemophilia
  • 3 NOTABLE DISCOVERIES ● Light microscopyCell theoryCharles Darwin’s Origin of SpeciesTheory of evolution by natural selection
  • Robert Hooke ● Coined the term “cell” by studying about corks
  • Anton Van LeeuwenhoekSingle lens microscope ● Discovered protozoa and bacteria in rainwater
  • Charles Darwin ● published The Origin of Species, which describes the theory of evolution by natural selection
  • Gregor Mendel ● Published Experiments in Plant Hybridization (using pea plants) which lays out the basic theory of genetics ○ It was widely ignored until 1900 ○ The basic theory of genetics led to the discovery of chromosomes and their behavior
  • Friedrich Miescher ● – isolated “nuclein” from pus cells (WBCs) ● Discovered DNA as a distinct molecule
  • Ernst Haeckel ● The experiments of Ernst Haeckel proved that the genetic material is indeed located in the nucleus
  • 1900 ● rediscovery of Mendel’s work by Carl Correns, Hugo de Vries, and Erich von Tschermak.
  • Archibald Garrod discovered that alkaptonuria, a human disease, has a genetic basis.
  • Alkaptonuria: a genetic metabolic disorder caused by the accumulation of homogentisic acid because HGD Gene (Homogentisic Acid Gene)
  • Walter Sutton - hypothesized that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis, thus leading to the discovery that genes are located on chromosomes
  • Wilhelm Johannsen ● - coined “gene”
  • William Bateson discovered linkage between genes. Also coins the word “genetics”. - Genetics: “genno” Greek word means to give
  • Reginald Punnett and Bateson discovered the science of genetic linkage. ○ They also coined the term “epistasis” to describe the interaction between two different traits
  • Epistasis: if two genes are present, a certain gene will make the expression of the other one
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan proved that genes are located on the chromosomes using Drosophila, a fruit fly.
  • Hermann J. Muller - shows that X-rays induce mutations
  • Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty - showed that DNA can transform bacteria, demonstrating that DNA is the hereditary material
  • James Watson and Francis Crick determine the structure of the DNA molecule, which leads directly to knowledge of how it replicates ○ Discovered the secondary structure of DNA - double helix
  • Marshall Nirenberg solves the genetic code, showing that 3 DNA bases code for one amino acid ○ There are 64 possible codons, ○ 3 do not code for amino acid (stop codons: UAA, UGA, UAG) ○ Start codon: AUG
  • Reverse transcriptase - an enzyme found in retroviruses, was discovered and was used in cloning genes
  • Paul Berg = 1st to create a recombinant DNA mole
  • Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer combine DNA from two different species in vitro, then transform it into bacterial cells: first DNA cloning
  • Frederick Sanger - introduced (set of genes of an organism) of a bacteriophage