3 Categories of Traits ● Morphological
● Physiological
● Behavioral
Examples of Genetic Variation (within species) ● Domesticated species
● Human genetics
● Natural populations
Phenotypic variation is a direct consequence of genetic variation
Primary Sources ● Mutations ● Geneflow
● Sex
Mutations: changes in DNA
Gene flow: movement of genes from one population to another
Sex: can introduce new gene combinations; genetic shuffling
CLASSICAL GENETICS ○ Chromosomaltheoryofinheritance: the
concept that genes are located linear in
○ Based on GregorMendel’s1stand2ndLaw
■ Lawof Segregation
■ LawofIndependentAssortment
MOLECULAR GENETICS ○ Based on the central dogma
EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS ○ Theory of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin
○ Changes in gene frequencies in populations
People have known about inheritance for a long time. ○ children resemble their parents
○ domestication of animals and plants,
selective breeding for good characteristics
○ Sumerianhorsebreedingrecords
○ Egyptiandatapalmbreeding
○ Bible and hemophilia
3 NOTABLE DISCOVERIES ● Light microscopy
● Cell theory
● CharlesDarwin’sOriginofSpecies
○ Theoryofevolution by natural selection
Robert Hooke ● Coined the term “cell” by studying about corks
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek ● Singlelens microscope
● Discovered protozoa and bacteria in rainwater
Charles Darwin ● published TheOriginofSpecies, which describes the
theory of evolution by natural selection
Gregor Mendel ● Published Experiments in Plant Hybridization (using
pea plants) which lays out the basic theory of genetics
○ It was widely ignored until 1900
○ The basic theory of genetics led to the
discovery of chromosomes and their
Friedrich Miescher ● – isolated “nuclein” from pus cells (WBCs)
● Discovered DNA as a distinct molecule
Ernst Haeckel ● The experiments of Ernst Haeckel proved that the
genetic material is indeed located in the nucleus
1900 ● rediscovery of Mendel’s work by Carl Correns, HugodeVries, and ErichvonTschermak.
Archibald Garrod discovered that alkaptonuria, a human disease, has a genetic basis.
Alkaptonuria: a genetic metabolic disorder caused by the accumulation of homogentisic
acid because HGD Gene (Homogentisic Acid
Walter Sutton - hypothesized that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis, thus leading to the
discovery that genes are located on chromosomes
Wilhelm Johannsen ● - coined “gene”
William Bateson discovered linkage between genes. Also coins the word “genetics”. - Genetics: “genno” Greek word means togive
Reginald Punnett and Bateson discovered the science of genetic linkage.
○ They also coined the term “epistasis” to
describe the interaction between two
different traits
Epistasis: if two genes are present, a certain gene will make the
expression of the other one
Thomas Hunt Morgan proved that genes are located on the chromosomes using Drosophila, a fruit fly.
Hermann J. Muller - shows that X-rays induce mutations
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty - showed that DNA can transform bacteria,
demonstrating that DNA is the hereditary material
James Watson and Francis Crick determine the structure of the DNA molecule, which leads directly to
knowledge of how it replicates
○ Discovered the secondary structure of DNA -
double helix
Marshall Nirenberg solves the genetic code, showing that 3 DNA bases code for one amino acid
○ There are 64 possible codons,
○ 3 do not code for amino acid (stop codons:
○ Start codon: AUG
Reverse transcriptase - an enzyme found in retroviruses, was discovered and was used in cloning
Paul Berg = 1st to create a recombinant DNA mole
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer combine DNA from two different species in vitro, then transform it into
bacterial cells: first DNA cloning
Frederick Sanger - introduced (set of genes of an organism) of a bacteriophage