1 - Leafs have a wide surface area to receive as much sunlight 2 - Buttress roots are above the soil to provide stability for tall trees
Give 2 Animal adaptations in Tropical rainforest
1- Sloth moves slowly and camoflauge to avoid being spotted by predators 2- Toucans have long beaks to reach and cut fruit
What is deforestation?
Cutting down of trees
What is 2 Impacts of deforestation?
1- Reduces number of carbon trees can store, so they are realesed to the atmosphere 2- Destroys tribes which relay on the forest
What is 2 causes of Deforestation
1- Logging (cutting down trees to obtain wood) 2 - Farming
What are 3 sustainable ways to manage tropical rainforest
1- Selective logging - cutting down certain trees 2- Replanting - Planting trees to replace old trees chopped down 3- Ecoturism - Tourism that minimses damage to environemnt
Give 2 adapations of the cactus to hot deserts
- Have thick, fleshy stem to store water - spines all ove them to prevent other organisms from landing and stealing water
Give 2 adapations of the camel
- large hump to store fat - long eyelashes to keep sand out eyes
Give 2 adaptations of the fennec fox
- thick fur to stay warm during cold nights - large ears to radiate het and keep cool
Give 2 adaptations of the red acacia
- spines all over it to prevent other oragnisms from feeding of it - deep roots to stabilise the tree in dry soil
What is desertification?
When land becomes more desert like
What are the causes of desetification?
- Climte change - overpopulation
give 2 solutions to desertification
- planting more trees so there are more roots to hold soil together,making the soil less vulnerable tosoil erosion -appropiate techonolgys, such as stone lines to maximise the water that falls, and prevents water in soil from being evaporated from the sun
what are the challenges of the sahara desert?
- extreme temperature, making it hard to work - limited water supply, making it harder to evolop industry and agriculutre - inaccesibilit, it takes 5 days to tranport salt from mali
what is the oppurtinites of the sahara desert?
-solar energy, lots of sunshine, so solar energy is very useful -Tourism, very high tourisms , which menas job get paid more, and more jobs are made, so more ppl hve to pay more taxes
What is biodiversity?
variety of living organisms in a habitat
Explain One bioligical weathering
When plants grow through rock and the roots expand the rock causing rocks to break
Explain one physical weathering
When water gets into rock and freezes, when melted the pressure causes rock to break
What are the 3 types of mass movement?
Landslide Mudslide Rockfall
Explain rockfall
When rocks from cliffs are broken off usually becuase of freeze thaw weathering and fall down slopes
Explain Landslide
Blocks of rocks slide down hill
Explain Mudslide
Very wet soil and rock slides downhill
What is erosion
breaking down of rocks and they are carried way by somethingg
What are 3 types of erosion
Attrition Abrasion Hydraulic action
Explain attrition
When rock particles in the water smash into together making them both smaller
Explain abrasion
When rock particles scrape and rub agaisnt rock causing the rock to get smaller
Explain hydraulic action
When the waves force water and air into rocks, which causes the rock to expand and break
How is headlands and bay formed
Soft rock in th middle eroded quicker then the hard rock on the outside, so the erosion causes the soft rock to go inwards forming a beach and the headland will stick out.