Epidemiology is the study of disease development on plant population
Epidem means disease spread
1. Pathogen – ability to increase disease (virulence)
1. Host – susceptibility
1. Environment – favorable
1. Endemicdisease – within (native disease to a locality)
1. Exoticdisease – outside
1. Sporadic – occurs at irregular interval
1. Pandemic – a widespread outbreak of disease
Diseaseforecastingprediction (when disease occurs) use as a guide for disease management and show the severity of the disease.
Diseaseassessment determine the amount of disease, determine disease severity prevalence, relate prevalence to yield loss, and express yield loss in monetary equivalent.
1. Exclusion. Prevent the pathogen that is introduced to an area from spreading. The new pathogen is unknown.
1. Protection. Prevention of infection by means of crop management, putting chemical barriers between pathogen and plants.
1. Eradication. Elimination, inhibition, killing of pathogen which are already found within the area.
1. Immunization. More on genetic manipulation by modifying certain physiological makeup of the host or pathogen.
1. Physical. Manipulate temperature
High temperature – sterilization (killing the pathogen) of soil to 20 PSI (121 degrees Celsius) for 2 hours
Lowtemperature – 4 -5 degrees Celsius minimize rotting of vegetables.
1. Cultural. Weeding, crop rotation, mulching (solarization), fallowing (render the area uncultivated), Flooding (renders anaerobic condition so that organisms will die).
1. Biological. Use of biological control agents. Example: Trichoderma fungus killing Fusarium by way parasitism.
1. Breedingforresistance – determining the genes
1. Integratedcontrol – compatible combination of methods