
Cards (30)

  • You can store a database in your mind.
  • This course introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications
    Fundamentals of Database Systems
  • A database management system
  • These are great at keeping track of large amounts of information
  • A special software program that helps users create and maintain a database 
     database management system
  • What language is used to interact with relational database management system?
  • Any collection of related information
  • CRUD stands for?
    Update Delete
  • It is a type of primary key that has no mapping to anything in the real world. 
    Surrogate key
  • It is a vertical section that define a single attribute.
  • A key that has a mapping or has a purpose in the real world
    Natural Key
  • It is just a primary key of another table. (
  • This key is able to help us to define relationships between tables.
    Foreign Key
  • It is an attribute that uniquely defines the row in the database
    primary key
  • Who is the manager of the Corporate Branch?
    An employee with an emp_id of 108
  • Your school Id number is a surrogate key. 
  • If super_id stands for supervisor ID. Who is the supervisor of the employee whose employee ID is 103? 
    Michael Scott
  • Who is Jan Levinson's supervisor?
    He has no supervisor.
  • Who is Michael Scott's supervisee?
    Jan Levinson
  • Identify the circled underline.
    foreign key
  • Identify the circled underline.
    foreign key
  • If super_id stands for Supervisor ID. Who is the supervisee of the Supervisor with an ID of 100?
    Michael Scott and Josh Porter
  • are requests made to the database management system for specific information.
  • Relational Databases use _____and store data in tables with rows and columns.
  • Relational Databases use _____and store data in tables with rows and columns.
    Relational database Non relational database
  • Databases can be stores in different ways
    On paper In your mind o On a computer o This Powerpoint o Chatbox
  • Any collection of related information
    Phone Book o Shopping list o To-do-list o Your 5 best friends o Facebook’s User Base
  • is basically a key that needs two attributes.–this key is made up of two columns
    Composite Key
  • just a primary key of another table–basically an attribute that we can store on a database table that will link us to another database table.
    Foreign Key
  • SQL is actually a hybrid language, its basically (4) types of languages in one
    Data Query Language (DQL) Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Control Language (DCL) Data Manipulation Language (DML)