
Cards (20)

  • Entrepreneurship is important for economic development and growth
  • Entrepreneurial behavior is crucial for economic development
  • Entrepreneurs are key to industrial development and employment generation
  • Entrepreneurship leads to greater employment opportunities for youth
  • It also results in an increase in per capita income and a higher standard of living
  • Individual savings increase, and there is more revenue for the government in the form of income tax, value-added tax, export duties, and import duties
  • Entrepreneurship has a significant impact on the economy and society
  • Entrepreneurial activity contributes to national economic growth
  • Entrepreneurship helps individuals think of new ways to earn money
  • It prepares individuals for jobs and demonstrates how technical skills are used in the workplace
  • It creates a foundation for additional learning experiences
  • Personality factors that become core competencies of entrepreneurs include:
    • Initiative (does things before being asked)
    • Proactive (identifies and utilizes opportunities)
    • Perseverance (works against all odds to overcome obstacles and is never complacent with success)
    • Self-critical (learns from mistakes and experiences of others)
    • A Planner (collects information, prepares a plan, and monitors performance)
    • Risk-taker (willing to take calculated risks)
    • Problem-solver (develops and maintains relationships with customers and financiers, conceives new ideas, and introduces innovative solutions)
    • Persuasion (convinces customers and financiers to patronize his business)
    • Self-confidence (makes decisions and sticks to them)
  • Personality factors that become core competencies of entrepreneurs include:
    • Initiative (does things before being asked)
    • Proactive (identifies and utilizes opportunities)
    • Perseverance (works against all odds to overcome obstacles and is never complacent with success)
    • Self-critical (learns from mistakes and experiences of others)
    • A Planner (collects information, prepares a plan, and monitors performance)
    • Risk-taker (willing to take calculated risks)
    • Problem-solver (develops and maintains relationships with customers and financiers, conceives new ideas, and introduces innovative solutions)
    • Persuasion (convinces customers and financiers to patronize the business)
    • Self-confidence (makes decisions and sticks to them)
  • Personality Factors in Entrepreneurship:
    • Initiative: does things before being asked
    • Proactive: identifies and utilizes opportunities
    • Perseverance: works against all odds to overcome obstacles and is never complacent with success
    • Self-Critical: learns from mistakes and experiences of others
    • A Planner: collects information, prepares a plan, and monitors performance
    • Risk Taker: willing to take calculated risks
    • Problem Solver: develops and maintains relationships with customers and financers, conceives new ideas, and introduces innovative solutions
    • Persuasion: convinces customers and financers to patronize the business
    • Self-Confidence: makes decisions and sticks to them
  • Environmental Factors in Entrepreneurship:
    • Political Climate
    • Legal System
    • Economic and Social Conditions
    • Market Situation
  • Factors that stimulate entrepreneurship:
    • Higher income levels of people
    • Desire for new products and sophisticated technology
    • Need for faster means of transport and communication
  • Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship:
    • Economic and Dynamic Activity: creation and operation of an enterprise to create value or wealth
    • Innovation: continuous search for new ideas
    • Profit Potential: level of return or compensation for taking on the risk
    • Risk Bearing: willingness to assume risks from developing new ideas
  • Types of Entrepreneurs:
    • Innovative Entrepreneurs: create new things with new ideas
    • Imitating Entrepreneurs: follow the ideas of other entrepreneurs
    • Fabian Entrepreneurs: skeptical about changes, follow only after being satisfied
    • Drone Entrepreneurs: live on the labor of others, conservative
    • Social Entrepreneurs: drive social innovation and transformation in various fields
  • Functions of an Entrepreneur:
    • Innovations: develop new technology, products, and markets
    • Assumption of Risk: willing to take risks for new ideas
    • Research: practical dreamer, does groundwork before ventures
    • Development of Management Skills: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, coordinating business activities
    • Overcoming Resistance to Change: paves the way for acceptance of new ideas
    • Catalyst of Economic Development: accelerates economic development by discovering new uses of resources
  • Career Opportunities of an Entrepreneur:
    • Business Consultant
    • Teacher
    • Researcher
    • Sales
    • Business Reporter