Cards (7)

  • From 1527, it was clear that Charles V was the dominant power in Europe. This made Henry's attempts to annul his marriage with Charles' aunt (Catherine) difficult, and domestic issues affected his foreign moves.
  • 1527
    Henry allied with France in the treaty of Amiens and Treaty of Westminster.
  • 1532
    The League of Schmalkalden: Organisation of German princes and free cities which supported Martin Luther. This alliance was fairly pointless as there was huge amounts of mistrust among the members.
  • 1527
    Treaty of Westminster:
    -Wolsey's attempt to unite France and England against Charles V.-In this treaty, Mary again was offered for a diplomatic marriage to Francis I/ his second son.-Henry threatened Charles with armed intervention (with military power he didn't have) if he did not make peace (completely ignored by Charles V).
  • 1532
    Henry formed a further alliance with France, in an attempt to pressurise Charles into supporting his marriage annulment - the tactic failed again!
  • 1538
    • Charles and Francis signed the Treaty of Nice, followed by the 1539 Pact of Toledo, where they each agreed to sever relations with Henry.
    • Pope Paul III deposed Henry and absolved English Catholics from obedience to their ruler.
  • 1539
    • Pope Paul III sent Cardinal Beaton to Scotland and Cardinal Pole to France to rouse support for a Catholic crusade against Henry.
    • Henry responded by marrying the German Princess, Anne of Cleves (protestant), and therefore seeking further alliance with the League of Schmalkalden.
    • However, this became unnecessary when relations between Charles V and Francis I broke down, making Henry's position more secure.