Problems securing the succession

Cards (7)

  • The need to secure the succession led to a number of Acts of Parliament, each of which repealed its predecessor. Even the birth of Prince Edward in 1537 did not solve the problem as, by 1543, the King's declining health made it likely that Edward would still be a minor when he succeeded to the throne.
  • Catherine of Aragon had 6 noted miscarriages.
  • Anne Boleyn had 2, one was a male born the day after Catherine of Aragon's funeral. The fetus was deformed.
  • 1534 Succession Act

    Declared Mary illegitimate and stated that the succession would lie with Anne's children.
  • 1536 Succession Act

    Followed Anne's execution for treason, therefore declaring Elizabeth illegitimate.
    • Stated that in the absence of a legitimate her, the King could determine the succession by will or letters patent; this would have allowed Henry to legitimise his illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy (Duke of Richmond), but Richmond died in 1536.
  • 1544 Succession Act

    Re-legitimated Mary and Elizabeth. Also affirmed Henry's right to determine the succession by will or letters patent.
  • December 1546 - Henry's will 

    Confirmed the succession arrangements, stated that if Edward, Mary and Elizabeth all died without heirs, then the heirs of Henry's sister Mary, Duchess of Suffolk, should succeed. He set up a regency council to act on Edwards behalf.