Cards (23)

    Babur attacked India in the early 16th century . India was an easy prey for any foreign invader as it was divided into many small states . The small states were incapable of stranding up . Delhi had lost its glory under the rule of Ibrahim Lodi . Hence the officials of Ibrahim Lodi invited Babur to invade India . The condition of Punjab , Gujarat , Bengal , Malwa , Rajasthan , Kashmir was quite bad . Lawlessness and disorder was spread everywhere
  • Zahir Uddin Muhammad commonly known as Babar which means tiger was the great grandson of Timur and descendant of Chenghis Khan the Mongolian ruler. Babar was a brave Soldier experienced military general , skilled horserider , sharp shooter and skilled swordsman. After he became the ruler of Kabul he try to capture Ghazni and Samarkand. His failure to bring samarkand made him give up on his ambition in capturing the whole area of Central Asia. Therefore he headed towards India. He was also attracted by the fabulous wealth of India.
  • After Babur became the ruler of Hindustan by defeating the army of Ibrahim Lodi in the battle of Panipat in 1526 , he ended the power of afghans. His victory boosted the economic influence and security . He distributed his Grands generously among the people to buy the confidence of them . In order to gain the whole power of the whole North India he needed to defeat the Rajput . the two sides met in the Battle of Khanwa in which Rana Sanga of Rajputs were defeated . Babar was not only a great military general but was also a learnt scholar full . he wrote Tuzuk i Babri and baburnama .
  • Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun, the eldest son of Babur, faced numerous difficulties in retaining the Mughal Empire
  • Babur had distributed his Empire into three provinces
  • The Mughal army was a mixture of people from different countries who spoke different languages
  • Humayun inherited an empty treasure
  • He faced opposition from his relatives, brothers, Rajput, and Afghans
  • Humayun multiplied his own follies
  • He lacked military ability
  • He was addicted to opium
  • Babur had failed to crush the whole power of Afghans
  • Humayun was defeated by Afghan ruler Sher Shah Suri at the battles of Kanauj and Chausa
  • He was forced to take refuge in Iran in 1540 CE
  • after 15 years he returned back defeating the week successor of Sher Shah Suri which was Sikandar Suri. He restored the Mughal empire in India once again . Unfortunately he died from slipping from the stairs of his library built at Delhi.
  • Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar ascended The Throne after his father at the age of just 14. The stance of Mughal Empire was not very strong at that time. Hemu Vikram Aditya had defeated the power of Mughals and took Delhi and Agra from them. Under the leadership of Bairam Khan they defeated Hemu Vikramaditya an Agra and Delhi were taken back. Agra was made the capital. Bairam Khan Enjoyed the position of power and respect but soon differences started to emerge between Akbar and Bairam Khan . Bairam Khan was forced to take a pilgrimage tour to Mecca in which he was assassinated in the way.
  • Akbar set up an Ibadat khana where religious discussions were made every Friday evening. He started then a din i ilahi which was a social religious group in which good points of every religion like Hinduism , Jainism , Christianity were blended with islam. It was a socio religious group people were not forced to follow din i Ilahi.
  • Akbar was succeeded by his son Jahangir or Muhammad Sultan Salim at the Fort of Agra in which assume the title of Jahangir which means holder of the world. Akbar addresed him as shekhu Baba.
  • in 1606 Jahangir son khusrau tried to escape from Agra but Jahangir followed and defeated Prince khusrau at the battle of Bhairoval. this Happened because the nobles wanted Prince khusrau instead of Jahangir.
  • Jahangir consolidated his territories and devoloped the religious policies introduced by his father. he had a keen interest in Gardens. Court culture flourished under his rule. The paintings by the Mughals reach the Zenith under his rule. He married Nur Jahan which means light of the world.
  • Shah Jahan head had face rebellions against Jujhar Singh a Bundela and Jahan Lodhi of afghan chief. The Mughals Deccan policy enter a new face under Shah jahan's rule. Shahjahan annexed Ahmednagar and Daulatabad . he forced the rulers of Bijapur and Golkonda to accept his Supremacy. In 1636 he retired to Agra and made Aurangzeb as the new governor of Deccan.
  • The Mughal Empire reach their highest prosperity under the rule of Shah Jahan . his ministers were able and efficient he increased the magnificence on Court. Was an orthodox muslim but treated non Muslims fairly . he built Peacock Throne , Red Fort and Jama Masjid at Delhi and Taj Mahal at Agra. Artworks imitate his wealth and aesthetic sense. He was an excellent calligraphist . he gave patronage to artisans Scholars and craftsman . painting poetry , medicine , mathematics , astronomy and dancing florished under his rule.
  • after his father's death Aurangzeb crowned himself as the king . he assumed the title of Alamgir. He was a Muslim fanatic and opposed religious tolerance. He banned inland duties and octroi to please his subjects. He banned the inscribing is on the coins known as kalima and banned the celebration of the new year.