Perpectives on Living Systems

Cards (25)

  • With the absence of writing, this knowledge was transmitted orally
  • another method of transmitting knowledge is through experientially in which it is taught directly to younger generations
  • Elders are esteemed for their knowledge, and the knowledgeable among
    them are required to perform special roles.
  • the ability to tell
    stories in a memorable, engaging way, performs an important teaching function in
    the life of a tribe; for stories, myths, and legends are how experiences of the tribe,
    especially of catastrophic events, are recorded and stored.
  • Hunter, whose
    knowledge of wildlife, capacity to read the slightest of signs, and the capability to
    create tools and weapons, teach the knowledge of the environment without words;
  • who has knowledge of fruits, animals, and
    herbs and their uses;
  • who has knowledge of the seasons and the
    signs of the wind and sky.
  • abbreviation of IKSP
    Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices
  • examples of IKSP
  • knowledge that is rooted both
    in the natural environment and what is readily available, at the same time
    grounded on the culture—values and norms—of the people who hold it.
    biocultural knowledge:
  • were the sole interpreters of the gods’ desires, such that, they
    had exclusive access to the stored knowledge, and they were the only ones
    authorized to interpret them.
    priestly class
  • keeper of knowledge
  • what did they write on?
    1. sumerians = clay tables
    2. egyptians = papyrus scrolls
    3. animal hide = mayans
    4. wax tablets = romans
    5. bone, wood, or bamboo = east asians
    6. medieval europe = parchment
  • literacy allowed for the expansion of collective knowledge
  • The knowledge held by the Sumerians was kept in clay tablets written in
  • The Sumerian belief system encompassed both empirical and the
  • earliest known writing system
  • it is the collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any susbtance for healing
    materia medica
  • The History of Biology usually traces the beginnings of abstract
    scientific thought to the Greek Philosophers.
  • the specialist -- one who has a considerable
    body of experience in practical fieldwork – and the generalist -- one who knows many
    different areas of study, when he wrote:
  • a breeding group of particular animals or plants that can breed
    and produce offspring that eventually could reproduce
  • Medieval European society is commonly characterized as feudal and
  • The business of seeking and using
    knowledge was relegated to a select few who knew how to read and write.
  • Thus, knowledge and its interpretation were prescribed by a ruling class; the
    Monarchies and the Church
  • It was the sole interpreter of the Holy Texts, and the arbiter of the
    appropriate knowledge and use of knowledge, as it was responsible for its
    flock not only in this life but also the next.
    The Church