sibillance = mimics a hush in rural England about speaking up
people are desensitised to war, instead of outrage
supplement = war reduced to a segment in a news story
Sundays = day of rest, excuse for ignorance??
"In his dark room he is finally alone"
dark = symbolises the subjects of his photo (dead)
alone = conveys isolation, makes poem more emotional
"Blood stained into foreign dust"
stained = everlasting effects of war
foreign dust = doesn't matter to British public as it doesn't directly affect them
"The readerseyeballsprick"
prick = short minor pain, contrats to war agonies
eyeballs = external body part, they're not even slightly affected like the photograpaher was
"they do not care"
they = alienates him from general public
poems ends with this line, up for interpretation (ambigouous): either the reader doesn't care (personal attack), or the world not caring (widespread attack)