Ch. 14

Cards (21)

  • Pregnancy:
    • _ weeks or _ days?
    40, 280
  • Signs of Pregnancy:
    • P_ - C_ F_ by the W_
    • P_ - S_ F_ by S_ other than women
    • P_ - Associated with B_?
    Presumptive, changes, felt, women, probable, symptoms felt, someone, positive, baby
  • Presumptive Signs
    • Changes are S_
    • B_ E_ and S_
    • N_ and V_
    • Q_ - mother F_ the M_ of the fetus
    • F_ and U_ F_?
    subjective, breast enlargement, soreness, nausea, vomiting, quickening, feels, movement, fatigue, urine frequency
  • Probable Signs:
    • Felt by E_
    • A_ E_
    • H_ sign - L_ U_ segment S_
    • C_ sign - B_ C_ of the V_ M_
    • G_ sign - S_ C_
    • B_ - uterus P_ with F_, F_ goes U_ and R_ B_ D_ to O_ position
    • B_ H_
    • P_ P_ test?
    examiner, abdominal enlargement, hegar's, lower uterine, soft, chadwicks, bluish color, vaginal mucosa, goodell, softened cervix, ballottement, pushed, finger, fetus, up, right back down, original, braxton hicks, positive pregnancy
  • Positive Signs:
    • Can only be attributed to F_
    • H_, F_, S_?
    fetus, heard, felt, seen
  • Trimesters:
    • First - Weeks _ to _
    • Two - Weeks _ to _
    • Third - Weeks _ to _?
    1, 13, 14, 26, 27, 40
  • Gravidity and Parity:
    • Gravida - Women who are P_
    • Primigravida - _ T_ pregnant
    • Multigravida - _ or _ P_
    • Nulligravida - N_ B_ P_, _ weeks or M_
    • Parity - N_ of pregnancies in which fetus or fetuses reached _ weeks gestation or M_
    • Primipara - C_ O_ pregnancy who's reached stage of fetal V_
    • Multipara - C_ T_ or M_ pregnancies at _ weeks gestation or M_
    • Viability - C_ to L_ O_ of the uterus ( _ to _ weeks)?
    pregnant, first time, two, more pregnancies, never been pregnant, 20, more, number, 20, more, completed one, viability, completed two, more, 20, more, capacity, live outside, 22, 25
  • Terms:
    • Pre-term - Reached _ wks but ends before completion of _ wks (_ and _, B_ D_ D_)
    • Early Term - Reached _ wks _ days to _ _ wks
    • Full Term - _ wks to _ wks (_ before _)
    • Later Term - _ wks to _ wks
    • Post Term - _ wks and B_?
    20, 37, 36, 6, before due date, 37, 0, 38, 6/7, 39, 40 6/7, 37, 42, 41, 41 6/7, 42, beyond
  • GTPAL:
    • Gravidity - # of P_
    • Term - T_, Pregnancies delivered _ wks and B_
    • Pre-term - # of births after _ wks - _ wks and _ days
    • Abortions and miscarriages - ended L_ T_ _ wks
    • Living Children - # Children L_?
    pregnancies, term, 37, beyond, 20, 36, 6, less than 20, living
  • Naegelle's Rule:
    • F_ D_ of L_ - _ months plus _ days?
    first day, lmp, 3, 7
  • Adaptation to Pregnancy (Maternal):
    • A_ the pregnancy
    • I_ with the M_ R_
    • R_ P_ R_
    • E_ R_ with the F_ (A_ process of the M_)
    • 1 - A_ B_ F_ of pregnancy
    • 2 - A_ the G_ F_ as D_ from H_
    • 3 - P_ R_ for the B_ and P_ of the C_
    • P_ for B_?
    accepting, identifying, mother role, recording personal relationships, establishing relationship, fetus, attachment, mother, accepts biologic fact, accepts, growing fetus, distinct, herself, prepares realistically, birth, parenting, child, prepares, birth
  • Partner Adaptation to Pregnancy:
    • A_ the pregnancy
    • A_ phase
    • M_ phase
    • F_ phase
    • I_ with the P_ role
    • R_ P_ R_
    • E_ R_ with the F_
    • P_ for B_?
    accepting, announcement, moratorium, focusing, identifying, parent, recording personal relationships, establishing relationship, fetus, preparing, birth
  • Adaptation to Pregnancy for Same-Sex Couples:
    • Several methods to achieve pregnancy.
    • A_ I_
    • F_ E_ I_
    • S_
    • I_ of N_ P_ P_
    • Examples: C_ M_ , C_ P_
    • I_, I_ and S_ P_?
    • Artificial insemination, fertile egg implantation, surrogacy, Identity, nonpregnant parent, co-mother, co-parent, include, inform, support partners
  • Prenatal Visit Schedule:
    • M_ up to _ wks
    • Every _ wks _ to _ wks
    • Every W_ after _ wks?
    monthly, 28, 2, 28, 36, week, 36
  • Care Management:
    • I_ V_
    • P_ I_
    • Reason for S_C_
    • C_ pregnancy
    • R_ and S_ hx
    • H_ and N_ hx
    • M_, H_, S_, I_
    • F_ hx?
    • initial visit, prenatal interview, seeking care, current, reproductive, sexual, health, nutrition, medications, herbs, substances, immunizations, family
  • Lab Tests:
    • U_, C_, and B_
    • R_, R_, H_, H_, G_, R_?
    urine, cervical, blood, rubella, rpr, hiv, hep b, glucose, renal
  • Genetic Screening:
    • First Trimester
    • M_ B_ sample collected _ to _ wks
    • F_ A_, D_ S_, T_
    • Second Trimester
    • Q_ sampling
    • A_ - N_ T_ D_
    • M_ B_ sample?
    • maternal blood, 11, 14, fetal aneuploidy, down syndrome, trisomies, quadruple, afp, neuro tube defects, maternal blood
  • Prenatal Visits: Fetal Assessment:
    • G_ age
    • F_ H_ T_ and M_
    • F_ H_ and G_ T_
    • U_?
    gestational, fetal heart tones, movement, fundal height, genetic testing, ultrasound
  • Immunizations:
    • No L_ or A_ vaccines until P_
    • T_ (_ to _ wks), R H_, F_ (Inactivated)?
    live, attenuated, postpartum, tdap, 27, 36, hep b, flu
  • Nursing Interventions:
    • N_
    • K_ E_
    • P_ A_
    • E_
    • T_
    • R_ P_ C_?
    nutrition, kegel exercises, physical activity, employment, travel, recognizing potential complications
  • Multifetal Pregnancy:
    • I_ R_ of A_ outcomes
    • More likely to E_ P_
    • S_ R_ of M_ more common
    • R_ for P_ L_
    • Modification of W_ G_ and N_ intake
    • S_ R_
    • L_ C_?
    increased risk, adverse, end prematurity, spontaneous rupture, membranes, risk, preterm labor, weight gain, nutrition, selective reproduction, lifestyle changes