Ch. 17

Cards (10)

  • Pain During Labor and Birth:
    • Visceral - Pain from A_ C_ in organs during C_
    • Somatic - I_, S_, B_, and W_ localized?
    any changes, contractions, intense, sharp, burning, well
  • Factors Influencing Pain Response:
    • Nonverbal - I_ in H_ , B_ H_
    • C_
    • Gate-Control Theory of Pain - Can I_ P_ S_ with O_ S_
    • C_, S_, E_?
    increase, hr, breathing heavily, culture, interrupt pain signals, other stimuli, comfort, support, environment
  • Pain Management Non-Pharmocologic:
    • Relaxation and Breathing
    • S_ breathing
    • E_ L_; _ to _ breaths/min
    • N_ and S_
    • I_ _ _ _, O_ _ _ _
    • Q_ breathing
    • _ to _ breaths/min
    • M_ A_ L_
    • Worry about H_
    • P_ breathing
    • I_ O_ I_ O_ I_ B_ (_:_)?
    • slow, early labor, 6, 8, nice, slow, quick, 32, 40, more active labor, hyperventilation, patterned, in, out, in, out, in, blow, 4, 1
  • Non-Pharmocologic Pain Managment:
    • Effleurage - L_ T_
    • Counterpressure - D_ P_ on S_ region
    • Water Therapy
    • Keep water _ to _ degrees
    • Contrandications
    • C_ M_
    • M_ F_
    • I_ and P_
    • V_ B_?
    • light touch, direct pressure, sacral, 96.8, 99.5, continuous monitoring, maternal fever, infection, preterm, vaginal bleeding
  • Pharmacologic: Systemic Analgesia
    • O_
    • Don't give if O_ D_ M_ with A_ only
    • Don't P_ M_ during C_
    • Don't give if baby is going to be D_ within _ to _ hrs
    • Can give when _ to _ cm?
    opioids, opioid dependent mother, antagonists, push med, contractions, delivered 1, 4, 1, 3
  • Pharmacologic: Nerve Block
    • S_
    • Used for C_
    • Post-dural P_ H_
    • L_ of S_ P_
    • E_ B_ patch?
    • spinal, c sections, puncture headaches, leakage, spinal fluid, epidural blood patch
  • Contraindications to subarchnoid and epidural blocks
    • H_, C_, I_,
    • I_ I_ P
    • A_
    • C_ C_
    • P_ count < _?
    hypotension, coagulopathy, infection, increased intracranial pressure, allergies, cardiac conditions, platlet, 150
  • Pharmacologic:
    • Nitrous Oxide
    • I_ L_ during F_ and S_ stages of labor
    • General Anethesia
    • Only if S_ C_ or C_ for E_
    • C_ O_ A_
    • Be delivered as S_ A_ P_?
    • inhaled low, first, second, stat section, contraindication, epidural, clear oral antiacid, soon as possible
  • Care Management for Nonpharmacologic Interventions:
    • P_ A_ during labor and birth
    • B_ Techniques
    • A_ women how she F_ to evaluate specific P_ T_
    • During
    • Take B_ q F_ M_
    • After
    • A_, R_, N_ D_ in B_
    • Give I_ B_ or L_ or N_ when _ over something
    • If D_ maybe more B_ or V_ E_
    • Less than _ is concerning?
    • pain assessment, breathing, ask, feels, pain technique, bp, few minutes, assess, reposition, no drop, bp, iv bolus, lr, ns, 125, drops, bolus, vasopressor ephedrine, 20
  • Care Managment for Pain
    • E_ B_ for E_
    • S_ cath q _ hrs
    • F_ for G_ A_?
    empty bladder, epidural, straight, 2, foley, gen anesthesia