Lesson 4

Cards (161)

  • it is longer than it is wide and it has clubby ends. The bones of the arms, legs, fingers, and toes are examples of this?
    Long Bones
  • five classes of bones?
    Long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones.
  • it consists of the bones of the head, neck, and trunk?
    axial skeleton
  • it includes the the bones of the arms, legs, and girdles?
    appendicular skeleton
  • they are not longer than they are wide. These bones, which include wrist bones (other than the pisiform) and proximal foot bones, are more cube-shaped?
    Short Bones
  • They look like a sheet of modeling clay that has been molded over an object. The sternum (breastbone), the cranial bones of the skull, and the ribs are all?
    Flat bones
  • They do not fit into any of the other categories. It have processes, spines, and ridges that out and serve as attachment points for tendons and ligaments?
    Irregular Bones
  • look like sesame seeds. They grow in tendons where there is a lot of friction. Their presence helps protect the tendon from wear and tear as the tendon slides over a bony prominence. The pisiform bone in the wrist and the patellas, otherwise known as kneecaps?
    Sesamoid Bones
  • this bones form a cavity to house the brain?
    cranial bones
  • these bones provide structure, and they are the attachments for the facial expression muscles?
    Facial bones
  • it includes the frontal bone, occipital bone, two temporal bones, and two parietal bones, which all happen to be flat bones?
    Cranial bones
  • these holes or openings in the skull, they allow the passage of blood vessels and nerves. These openings are called ?
  • It allows the spinal cord to exit the cranial cavity. The occipital bone contains a large opening called the?
    Foramen magnum
  • It is located on the occipital bone's posterior surface?
    external occipital protuberance
  • these are irregular bones, and they form the majority of the cranial cavity floor?
    ethmoid and sphenoid bones
  • The ethmoid bone includes a structure called the?
    cribriform plate
  • also forms lateral bony ridges called?
  • appears butterfly-shaped, and it is visible from outside the skull next to the temporal bone?
    sphenoid bone
  •  Inside the skull, the sphenoid bone forms another important structure called the?
    Sella turcica
  • The zygomatic bone is the?
  • commonly called "hunchback," is an exaggerated abnormal curvature of the thoracic vertebrae. It is associated with aging and osteoporosis?
  • commonly called "swayback," is an exaggerated curvature of the lumbar vertebrae, often associated with obesity and pregnancy?
  • allows the spinal cord to pass through the vertebra?
    vertebral foramen
  • The pressure of extra weight may cause one of these disks to bulge out laterally. This bulge may allow the softer matrix to ooze out. This condition is called a?
     herniated disk
  • has a peglike structure called the, It sticks through the large vertebral foramen of the atlas and provides a pivot point so that the atlas can rotate on the axis?
    odontoid process or dens
  • thoracic vertebrae are distinctive because they are the only vertebrae in the body that have smooth surfaces called?
     costal facets
  • They provide protection for the lungs in the thoracic cavity?
  • are considered to be false floating ribs because they are not connected to the sternum?
    11th and 12th ribs
  • it is a U-shaped bone found in the body's anterior cervical region between the mandible and the larynx?
    Hyoid Bone
  • This bone is unique because it is not attached to another bone?
    Hyoid Bone
  • it is the attachment point for the pectoral girdle?
  • these bones attach the arm bones to the axial skeleton?
    pectoral girdle 
  • commonly called the collarbone, is slightly S-shaped. It holds the shoulder out from the body laterally, preventing the chest muscles from pulling the shoulder medially?

  • It is the shoulder blade. It has a smooth anterior. surface that allows it to slide over the ribs, while its posterior surface has a prominent spine for the attachment of muscles by tendons?
  • articulates (joins together) with the clavicle?
    acromion process
  • is an attachment point for muscles by tendons?
    coracoid process
  • it is a smooth surface that articulates with the upper arm bone called the humerus?
    glenoid cavity 
  • the proximal long bone of the arm?
  • is located at the proximal end of the humerus. It articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula?
  • These are attachment points for muscles by tendons?
    Greater and lesser tubercles