Cards (13)

  • Any material that is strongly attracted to a magnet
    Magnetic Material
  • These are elements, including iron, nickel, and cobalt, that have an especially strong attraction to magnets.
    Ferromagnetic elements
  • A region a magnetic material in which the magnetic fields of the atoms all point in the same direction
    Magnetic Domain
  • A magnet that quickly loses its magnetic field after being removed from a magnetic field.
    Temporary Magnet
  • A magnet that remains a magnet after being removed from Another magnetic field.
    Permanent Magnet
  • SI unit of magnetic field
    Tesla (T)
  • The magnetic field lines have the following characteristics: 1. The lines always originate from the magnetic north pole. 2. The field lines do not cross one another. 3. The closer the magnetic field lines to one another, the stronger the magnetic field.
  • In 1820, Hans Christian Orsted (1777-1851), a Danish scientist, he discovered the connection between magnetism and electricity
  • He/she formulated the mathematical expression that defines the link between an electric currents and the magnetic force it generates
    Andre Marie Ampere
  • It is the fundamental source of all magnetism is the motion of ----
    Electric Charge
  • A coil made up of several turns of copper wire is wounded around a metal core, usually a ferromagnet, such as iron.
  • Electric field have definite starting and ending point.
  • Magnetic field lines and continuous loops.